In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 3J: Gallery

World Book Day 2025 - Everyone's Costumes!, by Mr Wood

Date: 8th Mar 2025 @ 4:37pm

Our school was filled with colour and creativity as staff and pupils dressed up as their favourite book characters for World Book Day! From classic literary heroes to modern favourites, the variety of costumes was truly impressive. Everyone put in a fantastic effort, bringing beloved stories to life with enthusiasm and imagination.

Click below to take a look at the wonderful photos capturing the magic of the day – a testament to our love of reading and storytelling! 📚✨

World Book Day 2025, by Mrs Bradley

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 3:38pm

The children had a fantastic World Book Day, inspired by the works of author Oliver Jeffers. They created some outstanding pieces of work based on Jeffers' book Stuck, and we couldn't help but wonder if Floyd, the character from the story, had visited our school after seeing what happened to our tree outside. Additionally, all the children arrived in school dressed in fantastic outfits, celebrating their love for books and creativity.

Chester Roman Museum - March 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 12:12pm

Safer Internet Day - February 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 12:56pm

Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Each year Safer Internet Day covers online issue or themes that speak to the things young people are seeing and experiencing online.

The 2025 Safer Internet Day theme is: ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.'

Safer Internet Day is co-ordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre in partnership with Childnet.

We watched the live lesson and then followed it up with two activities. The first was to identify whether adverts or messages were phishing/a scam or not a scam. The second involved creating random 'hard to guess' passwords  by rolling a dice to select words, numbers and symbols.

3J's Class Assembly - February 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 1:53pm

3J Weather Reporters - January 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 12:32pm

After two weeks of focussing on non-chronological weather reports, we felt like we were experts on all things weather so we became weather presenters. We first looked at different weather symbols and identified what each one represented. Then we watched a weather report and made notes on the language and actions used. We were then put into groups and presented a weather report to the class.

Islamic patterns - Jan 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 27th Jan 2025 @ 9:39am

3J learnt how to make a shape, edit the size and colour and then copy and paste it to create their pattern. 

Recycling session with Rochdale Council, by Miss Healey

Date: 22nd Jan 2025 @ 11:25am

Today we had a fantastic visitor! Nigel Goulding from Rochdale Borough Council came in to speak to Year 5 all about recycling and what we can do for the planet! We had so much fun and learnt many things about our waste and what happens to it after we're done with it. We learnt all about the small steps we can take to make our Earth happy and healthy again :) 

2025 a New Year - January 25, by Mr Jolly

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 10:48am

Happy New Year!

3J made some fantastic 2025 calendars. 

3J make their own sandwiches, by Mr Jolly

Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 4:33pm

Today, 3J created their sandwiches using the breads and fillings they had requested and planned for. They used all the skills they had learned over the last few weeks such as, how important hygiene is when dealing with food and accurate cutting skills.

KS2 Christmas Sing-a-Long, by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Dec 2024 @ 10:39am

The children in KS2 delivered a wonderful Christmas nativity. The children told the nativity story through song and were all AMAZING! 

3J practise food skills, by Mr Jolly

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 12:59pm

In preparation for designing and making our own sandwiches, 3J have been practising some key skills. Before we started, we talked about the importance of hygiene: tying hair back and hand washing. 

We then practicsed 5 keys skils: spreading butter with a knife, peeling (carrots), grating (cheese, slicing (cucumber) and dicing (pepper). We talked about the importance of safety and doing things slowly and carefull when using knives, graters and peelers. 

STEM Week, by Mr Jolly

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 2:37pm

  1. Why is STEM week so important?
    You will learn key skills like: problem-solving, creating, critical analysis, teamwork, independent thinking, initiative, digital literacy, communication, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit.

Our Whole School Challenge was How can we help Santa to deliver all of the presents?

In Year 3, we asked, "How can Santa's elves reach the top of the tallest tree?"

We then researched, planned and made 'Bauble Ladders'

Wellbeing Ambassadors, by Mrs Brandwood

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 2:31pm

Today, our new Wellbeing Ambassadors went to their initial training session at Littleborough Sports Centre to find out all about what it takes to be a Wellbeing Ambassador.  We tried lots of different activities to support our Wellbeing and Mental Health with various teams from Rochdale such as Your Trust and The School Nursing Team.  We also learnt about the 5 ways to wellbeing which are: 'BE ACTIVE', 'GIVE', 'CONNECT', 'TAKE NOTICE' and 'KEEP LEARNING'.  The children represented our school brilliantly and are looking forward to starting their new roles in school after Christmas!

3J Performance poetry, by Mr Jolly

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 12:28pm

This week, Year 3 were looking at poetry. We were exploring a poem  called ‘Carnival’ by Valerie Bloom. We read the poem and discussed the language used and the structure/layout of the poem.

We then got into 5 groups and split the poem up. We rehearsed and added actions so we could memorise the poem, then performed it to the class.

3J buy biscuits for Children in Need - November 24, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 12:31pm

Some children in Year 3 brought some extra money to buy a 'Pudsey' biscuit made by Judith, our school cook, in order to raise money for the Children in Need charity.

Year 3 visit Catalyst - November 24, by Mr Jolly

Date: 6th Nov 2024 @ 4:47pm

Year 3 had two workshops. In the morning, we had a workshop on rocks and we made fossils. We followed this by exploring the interactive gallery. In the afternoon, we explored the topic of light. We looked at the use of lasers, how light travels and seeing how white light can be split into seven colours through some special glasses. We finished by looking at an infrared camera and seeing how much heat different parts of our bodies emitted.  

Church visits, by Miss Hulse

Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 4:44pm

The children had a lovely service in church this morning. We foccused on harvest and how we need to be thankful for all the food we have, even if we do not like it. 

The children read:
Luke 17:11-19
Jesus Heals Ten Men with a Bad Skin Disease
11 Jesus went on His way to Jerusalem. He was passing between the countries of Samaria and Galilee. 12 As He was going into one of the towns, ten men with a bad skin disease came to Him. They stood a little way off. 13 They called to Him, “Jesus! Teacher! Take pity on us!” 14 When Jesus saw them, He said, “Go and show yourselves to the religious leaders.” As they went, they were healed. 15 One of them turned back when he saw he was healed. He thanked God with a loud voice. 16 He got down on his face at the feet of Jesus and thanked Him. He was from the country of Samaria. 17 Jesus asked, “Were there not ten men who were healed? Where are the other nine? 18 Is this stranger from another country the only one who turned back to give thanks to God?” 19 Then Jesus said to him, “Get up and go on your way. Your trust in God has healed you.”

They also wrote personal prayers on different vegetables linking to Generosity and God’s Bountiful Harvest. 

3J's Class Assembly - October 24, by Mr Jolly

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 12:59pm

On Thursday 3rd October, 3J completed their class assembly all about God's wonderful creation.

Year 3 - Learn, Love and Grow Together Day - July 24, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jul 2024 @ 12:54pm

Today, Year 3 go to experience camping. In the morning, they sang campfire songs before going outside and buildings dens. They also had the opportunity to toast marshmellows for their S'more which they then devoured. 


In the afternoon, they had to resist chewing or sucking a Smartie that they had placed on their tongue. This was followed by bracelet making which included a positive affirmation: I am.....

WOW Church Summer Presentation to the Diocese, by Mrs Brandwood

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 4:00pm

Our 2 WOW Church members visited St Chad's Church in Middleton to delivered a presentation, alongside our group members from St John's Thornham and Milnrow Parish Primary School, to over 40 diocese representatives.  The children explained and showed the diocese the various projects we have worked on this year, set up an environmental challenge for the parishioners to complete and then sung our song, 'Rich Diversity'.  Each child represented their school brilliantly and the Dean of Rochdale was so impressed with the way the children conducted themselves during the presentation.  The diocese is taking on board the children’s suggestions of a Plastic Policy in every church and we look forward to next year's group where we hope to again make a difference to the environment of our churches in Rochdale.  

KS2 Sports Day - June 2024, by Miss Hulse

Date: 26th Jun 2024 @ 8:24am

KS2 had a fantastic day at sports day yesterday, the children had a great afternoon joining in with all the activities in the sun!

Year 3 visits Blackpool Sea Life Centre, by Mr Jolly

Date: 24th Jun 2024 @ 2:30pm

Despite in the incliment weather, Year 3 had a fansatic day in Blackpool. In the morning, we viisited the Sea Life Centre. In the afternoon, we planned on eating our lunch on the beach followed by having a paddle and flying kites. 

Unfortunately, the weather got steadily worse. A very kind cafe owner allowed us to sit in his shop depsite him being shut for the day. 

3J's Class Assembly - May 24, by Mr Jolly

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 12:53pm

Today, 3J performed their class assembly all about Jesus being like a superhero. They also acted out how Moses came to recive the 10 commandments from God.

WOW Church Meeting 17.4.24, by Mrs Brandwood

Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 9:18am

Our two WOW (Watch Our World) church representives visited St John's Thornham Church of England Primary School this afternoon for our next WOW meeting.  This meeting focused on the local environment and we had a fantastic opportunity to have a visit from a Hedgehog Hospital.  Here, the children learnt about the impact humas are having on hedgehogs and how we can better look after our environment for our local wildlife.  The children found out a range of facts about hedgehogs and created a 'hedgehog house' (a hibernacula) to support hedgehogs in the area.   

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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