Year 4H 2024 - 2025
Miss Hirst
Miss Robinson
Welcome to 4H
Spring 1
Welcome back in 2025! We are looking forward to some exciting topics and learning opportunities. The first term went by in a flash and this Spring term will go by very quickly too!
The first half of the term we are starting with Geography. Year 4 will be ‘Investigating Rivers’ which links to our first Science unit of ‘States of Matter’. In Science, we have the first of three biology units: Animals including Humans. This is a very hands-on topic where children study the human digestive system and human and animal teeth which builds on work in Year 3 on human nutrition, the skeleton system and muscle groups.
In R.E., we will be exploring what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today, building our understanding of Brahman and examining Puja at home.
In English, we are finishing off biography writing, using our link from last half term on Ancient Egypt by writing about Tutankhamun and his life. After this, we will move onto fairy stories such as ‘The lost happy endings’ and then we will learn about information texts.
In Maths, we have started with fractions! We will then be looking at shapes and multiplication and division again. Times tables are really important in Year 4 as we have our times tables check, so we have been doing lots of TTRS.
Swimming continues right on through the Spring and Summer terms and looks to consolidate the progress made in the Autumn lesson. P.E. in school continues with Outdoor Games. Please can you ensure that your child has their P.E kit in school on Thursdays.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Hirst and the Year 4 team!
Year 4H: Gallery items
Safer Internet Day, by Miss Hirst
Digestive system Modelling, by Miss Hirst
Outdoor PE this week, by Miss Hirst