Year 5C 2024 - 2025
Mrs Cavill
Miss Healey
Welcome to 5C
Welcome back everyone! What another amazing half term we have planned in Year 5!
In English, we will begin the term by looking at the narrative text, Goth Girl. We will then look at travel writing, focusing our attention on relative clauses and end our term with the poetry unit, The Walrus and the Carpenter by Lewis Carroll.
In Maths, we will be looking at multiplication and division facts. We will learn about factors and prime numbers. We will also learn how to use short division and using our knowledge of times tables to help us. We will then move onto negative numbers in their real life contexts!
In Science, we will be looking at our very exciting topic of Earth and Space! We will learn all about the planets, their distances and rotations as well as other celestial phenomenons! We will be heading to Jodrell Bank to explore the telescope and learn so much more about this in their awesome Space Dome.
For R.E, Year 5 will be exploring What Does it Mean to be a Muslim in Britain Today? We will be exploring The Five Pillars of Islam, how Muslims worship, how this changes their lives and features of mosques. We will be visiting a local mosque to see these features in action!
Our History topic will explore the world of the Maya, and especially why most of the Maya seemed to disappear around 900 AD. We will look at their culture, religion, food etc. and compare these to how the remaining Maya still live today.
In D&T, we will be exploring musical instruments, discovering how they create sound and how that sound can be altered. We will then move on to planning and making our own.
In Computing, we are looking at the unit of ‘We are cryptographers’ looking at different methods of code and understanding their uses. We will be working to crack the codes and design our own!
Homework will be given to the children on Friday and is expected back in to school on Monday.
Reading Books
Reading books are to be in school every day, please read with your children as often as possible it is vital to their success in their learning.
May I remind you that, although Year 5 are scheduled to have indoor P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday, kit should be in school at all times in case of any last-minute changes.
Thank you for your continued support, The Year 5 Team!
Homework will be given to the children on Friday and is expected back in to school on Monday.
Reading Books
Reading books are to be in school every day.
May I remind you that although Year 5 are scheduled to have indoor P.E. on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and outdoor P.E. on a Friday, kit should be in school at all times in case on any last-minute changes.
Please keep an eye on this page for updates throughout the year.
Thank you for your continued support, The Year 5 Team!
Year 5C: Gallery items
5C Go Potty ! January 2025, by Mrs Cavill
Recycling session with Rochdale Council, by Miss Healey
KS2 Christmas Sing-a-Long, by Miss Hulse
Year 5C: Events items
Year 5 Trip - Quarry Bank Mill, by Mr Wood
5C Class Assembly, by Mr Wood
Year 5 Trip - Chester Zoo, by Mr Wood