As part of our annual 'Year 6 Careers Day', we thought it would be really nice to look at vocational work that happens in the the community around us. We invited Jason Powell to participate as he is a reverend/curate from St John's Thornham.
One of the first things we thought of - what are the best ways to teach children about vocations?
The most important way we, as a school, can help their children discern and follow their vocation, is by way of example, by being faithful to our vocation as teachers, so that the children's very lives show an abundant and generous love for their family, for the school, places of worship and for God. This means constantly asking God for his grace, and seeking to be ever more faithful to his will.
The second way we teach children about vocation is by our words, when we explain to them the different ways in which they may decide to follow Christ, when we tell them of the greater beauty of the religious life or priesthood, and when they we them considered advice as they deliberate about their choice of a way of life.