Year 3J: Gallery
Church visit Y3 and Y2 - October 2018, by Miss Healey
Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 9:45am
Class Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Gill
Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 10:31pm
3H Class Collective Worship - September 2018, by Miss Healey
Date: 8th Oct 2018 @ 2:58pm
KS2 Sports Day, by Miss Hulse
Date: 9th Jul 2018 @ 6:37pm
We had a fantastic time this morning taking part in our KS2 Sports Day. Thank you to all who came to support us!
Multi - faith week , by Miss Hulse
Date: 29th Jun 2018 @ 3:05pm
The whole school presented their learning all about the Sikh religion.
Church visit 21.05.2018, by Mrs Gill
Date: 21st May 2018 @ 3:41pm
Today the children went to church to learn about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Elijah stops the rain!, by Mr Murray
Date: 9th May 2018 @ 3:57pm
Good afternoon,
As part of the Christian ethos of our school, our children plan and present their own assemblies. We have picked small sections of the bible suitable for each week and the children come up with small drama portayals; accompanying prayers; thoughts about the meanings of the word and they choose a hymn.
This was our first collective worship in Year 3 and it was all about how Elijah acted as a messenger for God and to talk about how God provides for us all.
Well done to the children in 3M who did this week's aseembly. It was nervewracking but they had some very sympathetic and thoughtful ideas about the reading.
Mr Murray
Date: 29th Mar 2018 @ 4:15pm
Easter Church Service 28th March 2018, by Mrs Gill
Date: 29th Mar 2018 @ 4:11pm
KS2 Easter Egg Competition , by Miss Hulse
Date: 28th Mar 2018 @ 8:11am
KS2 created some eggcellent designs for the Easter egg competition.
Palm Sunday and Easter through dance!, by Mr Murray
Date: 5th Mar 2018 @ 10:28am
As we approach Easter, we begin to think about the events that lead up to Holy Week. The Springs dance Company came in to lead a workshop all about Palm Sunday; Holy Week and then Easter itself. We were very lucky in that we could learn the story through dance.
The children learned the story and the dance incredibly well and thoroughly enjoyed the session.
Hope you enjoy a small snapshot.
Mr Murray
The day we wrote to the Queen, by Mr Murray
Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 9:26am
We have been very lucky in Year 3!
Today we had a workshop with the fascinating John Malam during which we learned about the Royal Family family tree. Through this, we learned how to construct official formal letters and we hope to and these off the the palace directly. Aside from this, we learned about some of the strange presents that Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip received at their wedding - a turkey because people knew that England was struggling for food at the time.
The children had some fantastic ideas and knew an amazing amount about our royal heritage. I hope to show some examples of our letters and work later on today.
Mr Murray
CHURCH VISIT 05.02.2018, by Mrs Gill
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 3:52pm
Year 3 Cornet Concert, by Miss Hulse
Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 2:19pm
Year 3 were fantastic this afternoon in their cornet concert!
Canal and River Safety, by Miss Mulkeen
Date: 17th Jan 2018 @ 10:10am
Today the Canal and River Trust came into our school. We were canal and river explorers, finding the dangers that we could see near the canal. We learnt about the dangers we could face, how to avoid them and what to do if we end up in any danger in water.
Attendance Assembly , by Miss Hulse
Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 12:58pm
Amazing attendance assembly, with 148 children receiving prizes for 100% attendance.
KS2 Christmas Production , by Miss Hulse
Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 12:50pm
We hope that all families enjoyed watching our KS2 production .
KS2 Christmas Panto, by Mr Jolly
Date: 7th Dec 2017 @ 9:08pm
3M take a trip back in time whilst discovering light!, by Mr Murray
Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 2:19pm
Hi all,
During our recent trip to MoSI in Manchester, we learned so much! The class were excellent and demonstrated impeccable behaviour and manners throughout!
We had a workshop about light where we were taught about the properties of it. We learned what light was made of and how it travels. The children were active in discussion and showed a great interest.
We also had a demonstration of different engines. Here was a nice opportunity for them to see how technology has advanced over time and our museum guides get the children asking many questions.
Finally, some free time allowed the children to explore an experiment in the lab zone. They were exploring different scientific principles and all looked to have a great time. They could tell me all sorts about what they had learned and experienced.
I would like to thank Mrs Green, Mrs Baleem, Mrs Asghar and Mrs Murray for supporting Mrs Gill and myself. The trip could not have gone so smoothly.
Thank you for all of your support.
Mr Murray
3M Go Green!!!, by Mr Murray
Date: 9th Nov 2017 @ 2:09pm
Good afternoon,
Part of our science topic required us to understand where soil comes from. Something which we all take for granted as we can find it in vast supply around.
We thought it would be a good idea to make our own soil!
We showed how you can take organic material, rock and worms and create your very own compost.
Mr Murray
Bronze Age and Iron Age workshop at Touchstones: March 2017, by Miss Nuttall
Date: 8th Mar 2017 @ 12:45pm
Bronze and Iron Age workshop at Touchstones
Today we have been on a trip to Touchstones looking at life in the Bronze and Iron Ages.
We were able to try creating our own wall, weaving material and we made our own coins.
We have had a great time, here are some of the pictures from the trip.
Examining flowers: March 2017, by Miss Nuttall
Date: 6th Mar 2017 @ 4:04pm
Today in Science we have been using magnifying glasses to examine the parts of a flower. We were able to identify the different parts using scientific vocabulary! Great work Year 3 Scientists!
Science water transportation experiment: March 2017, by Miss Nuttall
Date: 5th Mar 2017 @ 5:54pm
In science we have been learning about plants. We have been looking at how water is transported in a plant. To explore this we completed an experiment where we used water, food colouring, celery and carnations.
Here are some pictures showing our experiement.
Cornets: March 2017, by Miss Nuttall
Date: 5th Mar 2017 @ 5:52pm
This week we have started our cornet lessons. We have been learning how to play and started to practise playing a song.