Year 4R: Gallery
Linking Schools -June 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 3:53pm
Today 4C had a visit from their linking class from St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Primary school. we ahd lots of fun playing circle games,making potato people and making photgraph frames to remember our friends.
Collective Worship - June 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 10:32am
Collective Worship in Year 4 today was led by 4C children. It was all about Friendship and Forgiveness. The children used the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector to demonstrate how Jesus was both friendly and forgiving.
Performance Poetry-June 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 5th Jun 2019 @ 1:19pm
Today we have been working together to learn and perform a poem by heart. The children were allowed to draw images as prompts but very few words. The children’s performances were fabulous well done.
English Limericks May 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 15th May 2019 @ 4:04pm
This week we have been learning about the Victorian poet, Edward Lear. He began life as a serious artist drawing pictures for Regent's Park zoooligical society and the British museum. He even gave drawing lessons to Queen Victoria! Later in life he became more well known for his poems. He wrote nonsense poetry and was very famous for writing Limericks. Today we have been learning Limericks by heart.
Gallery Oldham, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 14th May 2019 @ 4:02pm
On Tuesday 14th May 4C visited Gallery Oldham. We had a look around the gallery and found many examples of patterns. We went onto design our own pattern on a polystyrene tile and roller printed it onto fabric. We have some fabulous designers in 4C. Well done for super behaviour as always.
Sacred Heart Church Visit-May 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 9th May 2019 @ 4:52pm
On Wedneday 8th May Year 4 took a wet and windy walk down the road to Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. This was part of our R.E unit entitled "Are all Churches the Same?" We met Father Kevin at Sacred Heart and he spoke to us about the layout of his Church and some of the religious artefacts and books. The children were acompanied by two parent volunteers and a school governor, as well as staff. Thank you so much for your help. We have received e-mails commending the behaviour of the children and Mrs Cavill and Mr. Jolly are super proud of the mature way the children conducted themselves. Well done
STEM Presentations - April 2019, by Miss Hulse
Date: 28th Apr 2019 @ 5:24pm
On Friday, each year group presented their STEM project to the rest of the school with real success. It was clear that each class had had a fantastic time linking science, technology, engineering and mathematics together to answer a big question inspired from the Bible.
Collective Worship -April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 3:56pm
Class Collective worship in 4C this week was baed on the story of Abraham, Friendship and Trust.
100% attendance - April 2019, by Miss Hulse
Date: 7th Apr 2019 @ 3:42pm
Well done to all of the children who received a certificate and an Easter egg for gaining 100% attendance for the Spring term - brilliant!
English Report Writing -April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 4th Apr 2019 @ 5:01pm
Today we have been writing Newspaper reports. To help us write in a "news report voice," we practised reading some news.
Church Visit-April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 4th Apr 2019 @ 4:53pm
Yesterday 4J, 4C and afternoon nursery went to St. Peter's church fro our Easter Service.
Take a look at our pictures.
Guitar Concert- April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 5:03pm
Yesteraday 4C took part i there frast ever Guitar concert! The children have been learning the guitar since January with Chris from the Rochdale Music Service. The children have mad so much progress since January.
Well done 4C and thank you to Chris.
Easter Church Service - April 2019, by Mr Jolly
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 4:01pm
KS2 Easter Egg competition , by Miss Hulse
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 8:13am
Well done to KS2 for bringing in their decorated eggs yesterday, they were egg-celent.
St. Peter's Visit St. Joseph's -March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 2nd Apr 2019 @ 5:25pm
On Friday 29th March 4C went to our link school St. Joseph' Roman Catholic school in Heywood. The children were keen to meet up with their friends from St. Josephs and we had a fun packed day. First, Headteacher, Mrs. Dunne welcomed us to the school in the hall. We then played some co-operation games before going up to the classrooms.
We worked together to create and plan for an ideal place of worship. There was lots of discussion about what was important. At lunchtime we played out. We even got to play football and basketball! In the afternoon we built our own island community from "junk." We had a great day and look forward to hosting Class 10 at St. Peter's in the Summer term.
4C Class Assembly-Trust and Betrayal, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 28th Mar 2019 @ 3:12pm
This morning the children in 4C performed a super assembly. We all helped to tell the story of the first trustworthy shopkeepers in Rochdale, the Rochdale Pioneers. This linked nicely to our R.E theme, which is Trust and Betrayal in the Easter story. The children did an excellent job of learning their lines speaking clearly and acting. I am very proud of you. Thank you to parents and carers that were able to come. We hoped you enjoyed it.
Easter Extravaganza - March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 27th Mar 2019 @ 4:39pm
This morning Mike from Rhema workshop treated us to a performance of the Easter story. The performance was rhyming, moving AND funny. Mr Wood even got involved in the production.
Easter Extravaganza Workshop - March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 27th Mar 2019 @ 3:55pm
4C enjoyed a drama workshop with Mike from Rhema Theatre. We performed parts of the Easter story in the class. We really enjoyed it.
Thank you Mike
Synagogue Visit- March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 22nd Mar 2019 @ 1:10pm
On Wednesday, as part of our Multi-Faith Week learning, year 4 were lucky enough to visit the Synagogue in Bury. We were shown around the synagogue by MIchael and Monty. We saw lots of interesting things, did some wor about the synagogue and even had a drink and crisps!
Performance Poetry -March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 15th Mar 2019 @ 10:58am
This week we have been looking at narrative poetry. These are poems that tell a story.We watched Michael Rosen perform a poem and looked at what he did. We only had a short time to practise, but here are our performances of 'Cows on a Beach,' by Matthew Sweeny.
I-Sing Pop -March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 13th Mar 2019 @ 12:43pm
I-Sing Pop is a Christian organisation that is visiting our school at the moment. Emma is helping us to learn lots of great songs with Christian values such as, being caring, thankfulness and love, at the heart. We are loving it! The songs are fun AND there's some fabulous dance moves! We are recording C-D's that will be for sale, I'm sure your children will write you an autograph if you ask nicely. Watch out for times of the concerts at school-Wembley Stadium Next stop!
What a Busy Day! -March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 13th Mar 2019 @ 12:14pm
Year 4 had a very busy day on Friday. It started in the morning with a talk by a published poet called Matthew Goodfellow. This was followed by a workshop in the classroom by Matthew, with ideas to help us write poetry. Matthew's ideas were very helpful, thinking about first drafts of writing, "Don't get it right,get it written." Get allyour ideas down then go back to edit and improve later.
In the afternoon we began rehearsals with I-Sing Pop- Gallery photos to follow!
Whole School Worship with Reverend Watkinson- March 2019, by Miss Mulkeen
Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:39pm
Rochdale Pioneers March 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 28th Feb 2019 @ 4:01pm
This morning we visited the Rochdale Pioneers museum, 31 Toad Lane Rochdale. It is the building that housed the first ever Co-operative shop. We should be very proud of our Rochdale ancestors, as today there are Co-op shops all over the world!