In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 4H: Gallery

Class Collective Worship Year 4 -February 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 14th Feb 2019 @ 5:48pm

This week the collective worship was all about being courageous. The children read a bible story about how Jesus had the courage to stand agaist the authorities and heal people on the Sabbath. The Sabbath is a day of rest and the pharisees saw Jesus' good deeds as work. They used this as an excuse to plot agnst Jesus. A lovely well planned collective worship children well done.

Spring 1 Church Service - February 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 14th Feb 2019 @ 3:37pm

We did and learnt lots of things in church:

  • listened to prayers;
  • sang hymns;
  • read prayers about courage and faith;
  • listened to a Bible story about Jesus walking on water; and
  • watched a Bible story video

Bible Stories - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 2:45pm

4J Class Assembly - Identity - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 16th Jan 2019 @ 12:54pm

Water cycle - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jan 2019 @ 3:33pm

YEAR 4 CHRISTMAS PARTY!!-December 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 21st Dec 2018 @ 4:16pm

What a SUPER party day!!!

Christmas Carol Service-December 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 3:18pm

Today Year 4 and the rest of the school attended a carol service in the hall. We all got to sing our favourite Christmas carols. Many of the teachers told us the story of Jesus birth as it's told in the bible. Children from Key stage 1 took the parts of Mary, Joseph, the three Kings and the Shepherds. We learned the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of a very special  baby in a lowly stable.

Christingle - December 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 3:47pm

If the orange is the world

And the candle is the light

Then we know Jesus is with us

Every day and every night

If the sweets are the seasons

And gifts given by Him

Then we know to always thank God

To cheer and clap and sing

If the ribbon is Jesus’ blood

His love wrapped round us all

Then no one needs feel lonely

He'll catch us when we fall

This is the Christingle

A service full of fun

Raising money for little children

God loves us, every one.


Collective Worship December 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 12th Dec 2018 @ 5:12pm

This morning 4 C lead Year 4's collective Worship. The children decided to talk about the importance of the Ten Commandments.  

KS2 Panto performance , by Miss Hulse

Date: 11th Dec 2018 @ 7:53am

The children in KS2 had a wonderful time watching the performance of Sleeping Beauty.

4J Class Assembly - Identity - November 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 6th Dec 2018 @ 10:11am

Christmas Church Service - December 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 3rd Dec 2018 @ 3:55pm

We did and learnt lots of things in church:

  • Listening to prayers;
  • Singing hymns;
  • Prayers for Christmas around the theme of Jesus bringing light and hope;
  • Listening to Bible stories; and
  • Watching a Bible story video.

Earthquake proof buildings - November 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 21st Nov 2018 @ 12:07pm


4J had to make a structure, as large as possible, to withstand the effect of an earthquake.

They had marshmallows, cocktail sticks and a jelly plate to stick them in. The marshmallow and cocktail sticks were to be used for the buildings and the jelly as the ground it is built on.

Look at the pictures and videos to see which groups would make great future architects. 

4J Collective Worship - November 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 21st Nov 2018 @ 9:18am

4C Collective Worship - November 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 14th Nov 2018 @ 4:14pm

Today's Collective Worship was linked to our R.E lessons. The children had to research the prayer habits of other religions.  

4J's Visit to M6 with St Joseph's - November 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 4:02pm

Today, 4J went to M6 Theatre to meet with their linking school partner St Joseph's RC from Heywood. 4J had lots of fun and made many new friends. In the morning, 4J merged with Class 9 and found out similarities and differences between their partner and themselves through games. They then watched a play called Little Gift. After lunch, 4J and Class 9 were involved in a drama workshop. 

The Lord’s Prayer - November 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 13th Nov 2018 @ 3:55pm

As part ofour RE lessons we have been learning the Lord's Prayer.This was the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples I is found in the New Testament Matthew 6 Verse 9-13.

Stephen's Class Collective Worship with 4J - November 18, by Mr Jolly

Date: 8th Nov 2018 @ 3:54pm

4J Collective Worship - November 18, by Mr Jolly

Date: 7th Nov 2018 @ 2:57pm

4C Class Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 6th Nov 2018 @ 2:10pm

Last Wednesday three children from 4C delivered a Class Collective Worship  about Prayer to all of Year 4. This is linked to our R.E. theme, where we have been discussing all about why we pray,how we pray and what prayer means to us personally and  spriritually. The children asked Mrs. Palmer questions about her Rosary beads that she uses when she says prayers.

Black History Month - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 4:34pm

For Black History Month Day, 4J looked at two people who have contributed a lot to the world which we live in. Firstly, we looked at Jesse Owens who was a famous American Olympian. He overcame racial prejudice both at home and abroad during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Jesse Owens proved influential wrong by winning an incredible 4 gold medals including 3 world records in the space of 45 minutes. 4J then researched Sir Trevor McDonald's life and produced some super questions in his style. Finally, 4J acted out an interview between Sir Trevor and Jesse asking and answering questions in their styles. 

I am.. - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 2:49pm

4J thought about and then wrote about their own identity in readiness for meeting Class 9 at St Joseph's who are our linking partner school. They then look at Mark Beamont's version of I am who I am and used this as inspiration to write their own poem about who they are. 4J then chose their favourite line to create a class I am poem. We then performed this.



Church Visit - October 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 2:39pm

Yesterday, Year 4 and Afternoon nursery went to Church. We were very proud of the way the Year 4 took care of the younger children, keeping them safe and helping them in Church. Well done! Nursery children joined in beautifully with all the activities, singing and perfoming the actions. Year 4 were asked to perfom the actions to the seeds landing on 4 different soils from The Parable of the Sower. That should explain some of the photographs

Harvest Church Visit - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 6:17pm

We did and learnt lots of things in church:

  • Listening to prayers;
  • Singing hymns;
  • Prayers for harvest;
  • Listening to Bible stories;
  • Watching a Bible story video; and 
  • Acting out a Bible story

Year 4 Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 12:02pm

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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