In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Our Gallery

Carrots and Cabbage, by Miss Kelly

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:21pm

This week the children have been busy harvesting carrots and cabbages! After we had washed the vegetables we placed them in bags and sold them to our parents at home time, we hope they taste delicious!

Our first few weeks at St. Peter's Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 4:08pm

We have been very busy learning all the new rules and routines in nursery.  We have been making new friends and getting to know our new teachers, who are very proud of us!

Harvesting our Fruit and Vegetables in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 3:48pm

We have had great fun harvesting our potatoes, apples and pears.  We even had to wash the very dirty potatoes, it was a very messy job, but lots of fun!  We then sold the potatoes, apples and pears to our families. We tasted some of the apples and pears, they were delicious!

Our First Week in Reception!, by Miss Kelly

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 12:36pm

We have had so much fun druing our first week in Reception! We have been making lots of new friends, drawing, painting, counting, exploring our outdoor area and lots more fun activities! 

Our First Week in Reception, by Mrs Perry

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 12:34pm

We have had so much fun, we enjoy strengthening our muscles on the bikes.

We have also been making our families using pebbles and then labelling them! This week we have been learning how to play tennis, it has been so much fun.

Look at our photos and you will see!

Catalyst- September 2022, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 14th Sep 2022 @ 5:00pm

On Tuesday 13th September, we completed two workshops and had some time to explore the interactive gallery at the Catalyst Museum in Widnes.

One workshop was based on, "Being a Scientist". Firstly, we explored stereotypes of what a scientist looked like or did and debunked this. Afterwards we went through some areas of what a scientist does: predict, question, observe and evaluate.

The other workshop was called "Glorious Gases." This workshop looked at proving gases actually exist,even though we can't see them.  We experimented with this, even making a tiny marshmallow grow bigger!

4J visit the Catalyst Science Museum - September 22, by Mr Jolly

Date: 13th Sep 2022 @ 5:55pm

On Tuesday 13th September, we completed two workshops and had some time to explore the interactive gallery.

One workshop was based on working scientifically. Firstly, we explored stereotypes of what a scientist looked like or did and debunked this. Afterwards we went through some areas of what a scientist does: predict, question, observe and evaluate.

The other workshop explored proving that gas exists and that is all around us, as it is harder to observe and see it in comparison to solids and liquids.

Learn Love and Grow Together Day, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 4:30pm

What a fantastic day we have had today. We went outside in the school grounds to do some Orienteering. This involves following a map and using a compass, to find orange flags hidden in the trees and at the side of the woodland and orchard walks.We also played Bingo and Beetle Drive as well as some other traditional games like Jacks, Pick up sticks and Dominoes. We made bracelets with positive affirmationa and even spent 5 minutes meditating quietly.  4C would like to say thank you to Mrs Stubbs for organsising such a fun day. We learned lots of new skills and lots of new vocabulary.

1S Class Assembly - July 2022, by Miss Seasman

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 9:33am

We really enjoyed our class assembly all about the end of the school year. We reflected on all we have achieved this year and what we hope to achieve in our next academic year. 

We discussed our favourite topics and talked about all our special celebrations. It was great fun to share all our learning and fun with our wonderful school. Thank you for watching and listening to our assembly. 

Well done 1S! 

St Peter's Day!, by Miss Kelly

Date: 5th Jul 2022 @ 4:15pm

On Wednesday 29th June we celebrated St Peter's day! 

We learnt all about our school saint, he was a fisher man! Peter was one of Jesus' disciples, he was orginally called Simon and Jesus changed his name to Peter. 

In the morning we watched an AMAZING magic show by Magic Matt! We had a special lunch and were lucky enough to get a free ice cream from the ice cream van, they were delicious!

Nursery's Visit to Rochdale Fire Engine Museum, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 2:55pm

Here are some pictures of our amazing time at Rochdale Fire Engine museum.  

St. Peter's Day in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 8:48am

We had an amazing day celebrating St. Peter’s Day in Nursery.  We all had a delicious ice-cream and sat outside to eat them.  We decorated stones, crosses and made pictures using stones.  We also designed our own stain glass windows.

St Peter's Day 3H 29.06.22, by Miss Healey

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 4:24pm

We had a fantastic St Peter's Day this year! We started off the day with an assembly by Reverend Ann. We then watched The Magic Matt Show we saw some really cool tricks and laughed lots! We then had some time with Magic Matt teaching us some circus tricks like spinning plates, juggling balls, juggling scarves and flower sticks. This was pretty tricky but we tried our best and got better as time went on. Then we had our ice-cream which was scrummy!

St Peter's Day - Wednesday 29th June 2022, by Mrs Gill

Date: 29th Jun 2022 @ 3:39pm

A lovely day was had by all today. The day started off with an assembly about St Peter which was led by Reverend Anne. The children then had to write about St Peter and why he was Jesus' rock. We then enjoyed  a  Magic show and some Circus skills. This was then followed by the children eating and enjoying an ice cream. Yum! 

KS1 Sports Day, by Miss Kyte

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 3:03pm

Take a look at some of our photographs and videos from our fantastic KS1 Sports Day! 

Reading the News, by Mr Jolly

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 3:47pm

Year 6 Leaver's Service, by Miss Hulse

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 10:36am

In celebration of our Year 6's time at St Peter’s Church of England Primary School, we arranged for the children of Year 6 to attend a Leaver’s Service at Manchester Cathedral. It was a great morning with fun had by all. 

KS2 Sports Day, by Mrs Gill

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 4:39pm

What a fantastic Sports Day Ks2 had today.  The good weather definitely came in handy. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves as did the parents, who participated in their own races! 

KS2 Sports Day, by Miss Kyte

Date: 21st Jun 2022 @ 2:02pm

Take a look at some of our photographs and videos from our fantastic KS2 Sports Day! 

Our Trip to Imagine That!, by Miss Kelly

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 3:50pm

On Friday we got a on double decker bus and went to 'Imagine That' in Liverpool. We had an action packed day and had so much fun.

We made:

  • a fridge magnet
  • pretend snow
  • slime
  • a strawberry bath bomb


There was also a big role play area, this included a:

  • vet
  • pizza palour
  • fire station and engine
  • police station
  • salon
  • building yard
  • news centre
  • supermarket

We had a super day and all enjoyed ourselves!

Imagine That! Science and Discovery Centre Trip, by Miss Milburn

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 9:12am

On Friday we got a on double decker bus and went to 'Imagine That' in Liverpool. We had an action packed day and had so much fun.

We made:

  • a fridge magnet
  • pretend snow
  • slime
  • a strawberry bath bomb


There was also a big role play area, this included a:

  • vet
  • pizza palour
  • fire station and engine
  • police station
  • salon
  • building yard
  • news centre
  • supermarket

We had a super day and all enjoyed ourselves.

2F's Class Worship - Acts of Service, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 2:43pm

2F delivered a FANTASTIC class worship to the school and parents, all about ACTS OF SERVICE! We discussed what 'service' means, and explored the following questions:

  • Do you need to have a job to serve?
  • Do you only serve important people?
  • Can we serve our parents even though they are older than us?
  • How did Jesus serve us?
  • How can we serve God?

We joined together to pray and to reflect on our big question,  'How can we serve one another?'

It was a thoughtful worship, and we are all very proud of all the pupils in 2F.

Well done!

CommuniTree, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 3:58pm

Year 2 had an amazing trip to CommuniTree! They gathered around a camp fire and sang many songs. As well as this, they learnt about the life cycle of bees and how they help us. This was incorporated into the games they played. Can you remember the name of the boy and girl bees? The children had a lot of fun creating bee badges, leaf rubbings and making their own bee hives out of sticks. Look at our pictures to see all the fun we had. 

Jubilee Celebrations in Reception, by Miss Milburn

Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 8:48am

We had a fantastic week celebrating the Queen and her 70 years on the Throne.

We had horse riding, carage rides, transient art, perfume making as so much more!!

We ended the week by singing, having cake and celebrating as a whole school - we had great fun!

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:57pm

We have had a great time learning about the Queen and celebrating her platinum jubilee.  We made crowns, decorated bunting, had a special union jack cake and had a jubilee party on the school field.  We even re-enacted the Queen’s coronation.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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