Year 4H: Gallery
Future Weather Forecasters - July 19, by Mr Jolly
Date: 15th Jul 2019 @ 2:03pm
Design Technology-July 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 12th Jul 2019 @ 12:52pm
Today we have making the product that we have researched, product tested and designed-BISCUITS! Biscuits has been our theme for DT this term and we have thoroughly enjoyed it. Today we baked a variety of biscuits. Watch out for them coming home for you to test. The children worked really well together and a big THANK YOU to Judith and the ladies in the kitchen for cooking them in the ovens for us.
Collective Worship-July 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 10th Jul 2019 @ 5:16pm
Today’s Collective Worship in Year 4 asked the big question “Is is always easy to tell the truth?” We listened to a bible reading, said some prayers and sang some hymns. Thank you to the children that led today’s worship.
Sports Day - Year 3 and 4 , by Miss Hulse
Date: 8th Jul 2019 @ 5:35pm
Lower Key Stage Two had a fantastic time during Sports Day this afternoon. The children were all amazing!
Thanks to parents for coming along to support the children.
Feast of St Peter’s Day, by Mr Jolly
Date: 1st Jul 2019 @ 5:08pm
4J visit St Joseph’s - Linking Schools - June 19, by Mr Jolly
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 1:14pm
4J Class Collective Worship - June 19, by Mr Jolly
Date: 21st Jun 2019 @ 1:12pm
RE Reflection - June 19, by Mr Jolly
Date: 14th Jun 2019 @ 12:44pm
Collective Worship - June 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 6th Jun 2019 @ 10:32am
Collective Worship in Year 4 today was led by 4C children. It was all about Friendship and Forgiveness. The children used the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector to demonstrate how Jesus was both friendly and forgiving.
Performance Poetry-June 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 5th Jun 2019 @ 1:19pm
Today we have been working together to learn and perform a poem by heart. The children were allowed to draw images as prompts but very few words. The children’s performances were fabulous well done.
Oldham Art Gallery - May 19, by Mr Jolly
Date: 15th May 2019 @ 4:40pm
On Wednesday 15th May, 4J visited Gallery Oldham. We had a look around the gallery and found many examples of patterns. We went onto design our own pattern on a polystyrene tile and roller printed it onto fabric. Next half term, we will be learning how to sew and will use this skill to transform these prints into a cushion. We have some fabulous designers in 4J. Well done for super behaviour as always.
Sacred Heart Church Visit-May 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 9th May 2019 @ 4:52pm
On Wedneday 8th May Year 4 took a wet and windy walk down the road to Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church. This was part of our R.E unit entitled "Are all Churches the Same?" We met Father Kevin at Sacred Heart and he spoke to us about the layout of his Church and some of the religious artefacts and books. The children were acompanied by two parent volunteers and a school governor, as well as staff. Thank you so much for your help. We have received e-mails commending the behaviour of the children and Mrs Cavill and Mr. Jolly are super proud of the mature way the children conducted themselves. Well done
STEM Week - April 2019, by Mr Jolly
Date: 2nd May 2019 @ 5:19pm
At the beginning of the week, we read the Bible Story Genesis 3. This story starts in the Garden of Eden and is called The beginning of Sin. In this, Adam and Eve are in the Garden of Eden. God tells them that they can eat fruit from any of the trees apart from the large one in the middle. A snake tells Eve to go ahead and eat from the tree despite God’s commandment. Eve is tempted and she goes against God. We wondered why she had decided to do this so we investigated in Science whether senses affect our temptation?
We tasted some baked beans. This of us that liked them thought they were lovely. We then took away people’s sight by blind folding them.
We wanted to find out if what children heard about the food would put them off. This also allowed us to see if the blindfolded children were affected by what they heard The other children shouted in horror when they saw green baked beans and green custard arrive in the classroom. The blindfolded children were a little unsure but bravely accepted the challenge: finding out that we should try not to rely on just one of our senses. We concluded that our senses have a massive impact on whether or not we can resist temptation.
Later on, we conducted an experiment based on the famous Rowntree’s Fruit Pastille adverts about how long we could have a sweet in our mouths before being tempted to chew.
The challenge faced was to see how long can you do before you chew! This used Maths skills to measure and record timings, collating data from the table and posing further question we could investigate. Year 4 were very good at resisting the temptation to chew.
After this, we used technology to record adverts, pretending we were the snake, to tempt Eve to try the fruit from the tree, just as the adverts had tempted people to take on the no chewing challenge. Children recorded thinking about camera angles and close ups etc. Some children even found appropriate music to accompany their different characters.
Finally, we used engineering and designing to put around the trees we had made to help Eve resist her temptation. We made a circuit containing a trip switch so that a buzzer or security light would go off if anyone went near the tree.
4J Class Collective Worship - May 2019, by Mr Jolly
Date: 1st May 2019 @ 4:40pm
STEM Presentations - April 2019, by Miss Hulse
Date: 28th Apr 2019 @ 5:24pm
On Friday, each year group presented their STEM project to the rest of the school with real success. It was clear that each class had had a fantastic time linking science, technology, engineering and mathematics together to answer a big question inspired from the Bible.
Collective Worship -April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 26th Apr 2019 @ 3:56pm
Class Collective worship in 4C this week was baed on the story of Abraham, Friendship and Trust.
100% attendance - April 2019, by Miss Hulse
Date: 7th Apr 2019 @ 3:42pm
Well done to all of the children who received a certificate and an Easter egg for gaining 100% attendance for the Spring term - brilliant!
Church Visit-April 2019, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 4th Apr 2019 @ 4:53pm
Yesterday 4J, 4C and afternoon nursery went to St. Peter's church fro our Easter Service.
Take a look at our pictures.
Easter Church Service - April 2019, by Mr Jolly
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 4:01pm
4J Class Collective Worship - April 2019, by Mr Jolly
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 3:59pm
KS2 Easter Egg competition , by Miss Hulse
Date: 3rd Apr 2019 @ 8:13am
Well done to KS2 for bringing in their decorated eggs yesterday, they were egg-celent.