In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 2B: Gallery

Macmillan Coffee Morning 30th September, by Mr Wood

Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 2:22pm

We had a fantastic time raising money for Macmillan - have a look at some of the photos below to see our families getting involved!

KS1 Sports Day, by Miss Kyte

Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 3:03pm

Take a look at some of our photographs and videos from our fantastic KS1 Sports Day! 

2F's Class Worship - Acts of Service, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 13th Jun 2022 @ 2:43pm

2F delivered a FANTASTIC class worship to the school and parents, all about ACTS OF SERVICE! We discussed what 'service' means, and explored the following questions:

  • Do you need to have a job to serve?
  • Do you only serve important people?
  • Can we serve our parents even though they are older than us?
  • How did Jesus serve us?
  • How can we serve God?

We joined together to pray and to reflect on our big question,  'How can we serve one another?'

It was a thoughtful worship, and we are all very proud of all the pupils in 2F.

Well done!

EYFS and KS1 'Washing the Feet' Collective Worship Service, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 3:22pm

Today we learnt about Maundy Thursday and why Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.  Mr Whelan and Mr Wood washed 12 children’s feet to show us how we can show kindness to other people, just like Jesus did.

Stations of the Cross Service - April 2022, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 2:54pm

This morning Reverend Anne and Father Darren came to school to watch and take part in our Stations of the cross service. Children from each year group read a reading and a prayer for eac station. Reverend Anne and Father Darren lit a Paschal candle to remind us that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday. He gave His life to save us all. We wish you all a Happy Easter.

World Book Day 2022, by Mr Wood

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 10:28am



We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!

We are photographers!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 4:55pm

Mrs Freeman has been amazed by the children's photography skills this week in computing! The children have been looking at what makes a quality photograph. We have discussed taking photographs at different angles, such as 'birds eye view' and had a go at doing this ourselves. 

This week we decided to photograph our amazing school grounds. We chose the three categories of;

  • buildings
  • nature
  • play equipment

Have a look at our photographs!

Dancing like Bubbles!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 4:08pm

Year 2 have been dancing again!

This half term we are learning how to perform a 'bubble dance'. We have watched the way in which bubbles move and we are beginning to float around the room and move in this way. This week our focus word was 'connecting'. We worked in pairs and groups to use our bodies to connect in different ways. We connected using our elbows, knees, backs and many other ways. Some of the children started to put their ideas into a dance routine. We are looking forward to us all being able to do this! Watch this space!

Peace and Spirituality - Class 2F, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 4:03pm

This term Year 2 have been learning about Christian values and how these can help us in our daily lives. We spent some time discussing the value 'peace' and what this means. We explored our school grounds looking for places that we felt peaceful in and that we could call 'spiritual'. The children have produced some lovely work.

Gymnastics!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 12:44pm

In Year 2, we have been learning how we can use our bodies to make different positions. This week we focused on using our body weight to create high positions with our legs. The children are becoming more familiar with the different ways we can use our bodies and the apparatus in gymnastics. Well done Year 2!

World Book Day - March 2020, by Mr Wood

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:55pm

We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!


Hallé Orchestra - January 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 5:31pm

The Hallé is an English symphony orchestra based in Manchester and we were lucky enough to have a fantastic visit from them.
We were able to enjoy the wonderful music they were playing and also join in by sinning, dancing and even some children playing the instruments - an experience the children won't forget! 

Balloon Dance! January 2020, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 4:07pm

This half term 2F will be working on the performance of a 'Balloon Dance'. This week we have started thinking about the shapes that balloons are and how we can represent this with our bodies. We talked about how balloons look when they are deflated and how they look when they are inflated. We will be working on putting these shapes into a dance performance. Watch this space!

Positivity Potions, January 2020, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 16th Jan 2020 @ 4:03pm

2F spent the afternoon learning about 'Courageous Advoacates'. We researched and discussed Albert Nobel. We found out that Alfred Nobel was a clever man that wanted to invent safe explosives, but in the process of doing this many people were killed. However, Alfred Nobel turned his wrongs into rights by creating 'The Nobel Peace Prize'. We discussed how we can turn our wrongs into rights and how we can spread positivity. We made our very own 'Positivity Potions'. In them we added;

  • Sprinkles of kindness
  • Drops of love
  • Cup fulls of compassion

Pantomime - December 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 2:09pm

We all had a wonderful time watching the performance of Cinderella, especially joining in with all the songs!

Carol Concert - December 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 4:50pm

We all had a really lovely morning at our carol concert, we lit our third Advent candle (joy) and enjoyed singing some lovely carols. As the children sung, children from Year 1 gathered on the stage to create the manger scene. 

STEM day presentations - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 30th Nov 2019 @ 8:32am

Yesterday afternoon, all of the children at St Peter’s took part in a STEM day challenge. The children had to use all of their science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills to produce a working marble run. The degree of difficulty got progressively challenging throughout school years, starting with nursery creating a simple structure using Lego up to Year 6 introducing a pulley stystem. Once the marble runs were completed, each class held a vote to choose their most successful marble run, these were then sent to the hall ready to be judged. The winners were then selected from EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, the winners then received their very own marble run. All of the children should be proud of their achievements, as they all worked extremely hard throughout the day!

Collective Worship with Stephen, by Miss Healey

Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 9:35am

Stephen came in to speak to us about the importance of trusting Jesus and how those in the Bible had trusted Jesus

Anti-Bullying, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 8th Nov 2019 @ 8:01am

This week, the whole school was lucky enough to watch Mike from Rhema Theatre Company perform a dramatic sketch of the 'David and Goliath' Bible story. After the assembly we reflected on the messages we can take from the story and took part in an Anti-bullying workshop. We all performed well and had a fantastic time!

Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 4th Nov 2019 @ 1:05pm

This morning for Anti-Bullying Week, we were lucky enough to have an Anti-Bullying Drama, presented to the whole school, based on the story of ‘David & Goliath’ 1 Samuel 17. The children learnt about the story and discussed how David believed in himself and did not let the bullies win.

Remembrance collective worship - November 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 1st Nov 2019 @ 10:18am

This morning, we were lucky enough to have Reverend Margaret Smith, Rochdale Town Chaplain, to deliver our collective worship. She spoke all about remembrance and the important of the body. The children were reflective and thought about the important of remembering those to have sadly died during wars. 

The Magic Feather - Talk for Writing , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 18th Oct 2019 @ 4:06pm

In English, we have been learning about the story The Magic Feather. The children have been working really hard and can now recite the story using the actions they created.

Amazing work  Year 2! 

2F'S Class Assembly - 10th October 2019, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 17th Oct 2019 @ 12:40pm

2F performed their class assembly to parents and the rest of the school. The assembly was about 'Freidnship' and how we can learn, from Jesus to be the best friends possible. The assembly included live footage from the scene of 'Jesus and the Children', interviews and a calm reflection time at the end. 

Manchester Airport , by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 15th Oct 2019 @ 4:42pm

On Tuesday 15th October, we had a fantastic day out to Manchester Airport. We learnt all about different types of aeroplanes and what materials are used to create aeroplanes. The children also had an opportunity to sit in the flight deck to imagine what it would be like to fly an aeroplane. We all had an amazing time! 

NSPCC - October 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 5:04pm

This morning, the children were able to take part in an assembly hosted by the NSPCC. The children discussed the worries they might face in life and growing up and discussed who they could share these worries with at home and school. 

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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