Rec S: Gallery
Smithills Farm Trip, by Mrs Perry
Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 9:09am
On Monday we went to Smithills Farm, we did some fantastic activities around the farm including:
-feeding the animals (sheep, lambs, hens and goats)
-donkey ride
-tractor ride
-watching the cows get milked and seeing the process
-meeting the baby animals (owl, lamb, chicks, rabbits and alpaca)
We had so much fun whilst learing so much more to support our farm topic in school!
World Book Day in Reception, by Mrs Perry
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 1:14pm
Look how AMAZING we look as we celebrate World Book Day!
World Book Day 2023, by Mr Wood
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 12:04pm
St Peter's Post Office, by Mrs Perry
Date: 1st Mar 2023 @ 3:53pm
Reception are SUPER excited to see a Post Office has been set up in our classroom!
We have been very busy weighing and scanning the parcels as well as writing letters and envelopes to post off!
Take a look at our photos!
Carol Concert, by Miss Hulse
Date: 12th Dec 2022 @ 3:40pm
We had a beautiful carol concert this morning, with all the children singing a mixture of traditional carols. This reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas.
Manchester United Player Led Competition, by Miss Kyte
Date: 5th Dec 2022 @ 1:59pm
Last week, seven Year Five and Six pupils were chosen to represent St Peters at a football tournament held by Manchester United Academy. The tournament was player led meaning that the team had to manage themselves in terms of formation, substitutions and game strategy. The tournament also had a World Cup theme and the country we were chosen to represent was Brazil. The boys played a range of teams and all of our players were fantastic. Their determination, competitiveness and sportsmanship throughout the competitition was impeccable. Well done boys!
Cross Country Competition, by Miss Kyte
Date: 1st Nov 2022 @ 5:50pm
Before half term six children from Years Five and Six represented St Peters Church of England Primary School in a cross country event at Fallinge Park High school. The event consisted of lots of primary schools from the Rochdale borough and was a mix of both boys and girls races. The children each ran 2 kilometers on a track that had been set up on Fallinge Park school field. Despite the cold and windy conditions, each pupil performed excellently and they all confidently completed the cross country run within the alloted time. Well done!
Dance - Hop Little Bunnies, by Mrs Perry
Date: 17th Oct 2022 @ 11:36am
Today in PE we had a dance lesson, we had to learn how to move in the following ways:
We are now ready to perform our dance next lesson, we are super excited!
The Reception children would love to show you at home, why not use this following piece of music? This is very similiar to the music we used.
Macmillan Coffee Morning 30th September, by Mr Wood
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 2:22pm
We had a fantastic time raising money for Macmillan - have a look at some of the photos below to see our families getting involved!
Our First Week in Reception, by Mrs Perry
Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 12:34pm
We have had so much fun, we enjoy strengthening our muscles on the bikes.
We have also been making our families using pebbles and then labelling them! This week we have been learning how to play tennis, it has been so much fun.
Look at our photos and you will see!
KS1 Sports Day, by Miss Kyte
Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 3:03pm
Take a look at some of our photographs and videos from our fantastic KS1 Sports Day!
Imagine That! Science and Discovery Centre Trip, by Miss Milburn
Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 9:12am
On Friday we got a on double decker bus and went to 'Imagine That' in Liverpool. We had an action packed day and had so much fun.
We made:
- a fridge magnet
- pretend snow
- slime
- a strawberry bath bomb
There was also a big role play area, this included a:
- vet
- pizza palour
- fire station and engine
- police station
- salon
- building yard
- news centre
- supermarket
We had a super day and all enjoyed ourselves.
Jubilee Celebrations in Reception, by Miss Milburn
Date: 8th Jun 2022 @ 8:48am
We had a fantastic week celebrating the Queen and her 70 years on the Throne.
We had horse riding, carage rides, transient art, perfume making as so much more!!
We ended the week by singing, having cake and celebrating as a whole school - we had great fun!
Mini-beast fun!, by Miss Milburn
Date: 24th May 2022 @ 12:26pm
This half term we have been learning all about growth and mini-beasts. We started the half term with a non-fiction book 'Things with Wings' to learn more about mini-beasts, we have also been sharing the stories 'Superworm' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.
During provision we have been super busy, a few of the activities we enjoyed were;
-using a simple map to find the mini-beasts and write down what the mini-beast was
-we planted carrots and cabbage, we know how to look after them and what they need to grow
-writing clues about a mini-beasts in the investigation tuff tray
-rock painting; creating a mini-beast using a rock from our outdoor area.
Our First Class Assembly, by Miss Milburn
Date: 24th May 2022 @ 12:21pm
We did our first class assembly on the 19th of May all about SPECIAL PLACES!
Our families were invited to watch us too!
We did a SUPER assembly!
EYFS and KS1 'Washing the Feet' Collective Worship Service, by Mrs Andrews
Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 3:22pm
Today we learnt about Maundy Thursday and why Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. Mr Whelan and Mr Wood washed 12 children’s feet to show us how we can show kindness to other people, just like Jesus did.
Stations of the Cross Service - April 2022, by Mrs Cavill
Date: 8th Apr 2022 @ 2:54pm
This morning Reverend Anne and Father Darren came to school to watch and take part in our Stations of the cross service. Children from each year group read a reading and a prayer for eac station. Reverend Anne and Father Darren lit a Paschal candle to remind us that Jesus was resurrected on Easter Sunday. He gave His life to save us all. We wish you all a Happy Easter.
Our trip to Smithills Farm, by Miss Milburn
Date: 9th Mar 2022 @ 3:38pm
Today we went on our first trip...we went to Smithills farm to support our learning all about farm animals!
We had a action packed day, this is what we did:
-Petting corner, we held and fed the baby animals in the farm
-Tractor ride, we visited the horse and donkey at the top of the hill and we fed them bread (we took a video)
-Milking palour, we watched the cows being milked and learnt all about the importance of caring for the cows, we also discussed the process of how the milk gets from the cows to our houses
-Feeding the adult animals, we fed the sheep and goats with food
-Riding the donkey, we all got a turn to ride the donkey
of course we had a little play at the park!
We had a fantastic day out!
World Book Day 2022, by Mr Wood
Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 10:28am
We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!
Date: 3rd Mar 2022 @ 12:50pm
This year our story was 'Peace at Last' - we acted out the story in our SUPER costumes!
'Owl Adventures' visited Reception!, by Miss Milburn
Date: 17th Dec 2021 @ 8:13am
In Literacy we have been learning all about Nocturnal animals. We first focussed on the 'Owl Babies' story - written by Martin Waddell. We then moved onto a non-fiction book 'Night Animals'.
The children have been learning new vocabulary throughout this cross curricular learning such as 'Nocturnal'. Chris from Owl Aventures was super impressed when the children were able to re-call some facts and information all about Owls.
We thoroughly enjoyed seeing the Owls and watching them fly around the hall!
Special Friends - September 2021, by Miss Hulse
Date: 21st Sep 2021 @ 8:00am
Year 6 had a fantastic time getting to know their special friend from reception. The Year 6 children will be spending time each week helping their special friend in the reception setting. They cannot wait!
Reception's EARTH DAY Celebrations, by Miss Milburn
Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 4:46pm
In Reception we created a Earth using our hand print, we then wrote what we could do to help our Earth. This linked very closely to our Geography focus last half term on Pollution in the sea (Under the Sea Topic).
We also did some Transient Art in our Beautiful outdoor area - we created mini-beats, this is in line with our current topic of
Date: 22nd Apr 2021 @ 4:27pm
WOW what a busy week back!!
We have really enjoyed our outdoor learning and we have made the most of this lovely weather!
We have been mark making, completing outdoor Olympics, transient art, police role play, ice cream shop, maths games, water and sand play
Date: 18th Mar 2021 @ 11:58am
Story: Barry the Fish with Fingers
Today we did some FANTASTIC letter writing to Barry.
Puffer wanted to say sorry to Barry because he was not kind, at St Peters we are KIND.