In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 5H: Gallery

Reciting poetry, by Mr Jolly

Date: 2nd Feb 2017 @ 4:34pm

Year 5 had to learn a verse of T S Eliot's ' The Old Gumbie Cat'. They did amazingly well to learn all of their lines.

Science Week in Year 5- Spring 16/17, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 29th Jan 2017 @ 9:15pm

Autumn 2 Learning Log Projects, by Mr Jolly

Date: 3rd Jan 2017 @ 1:18pm

Most of 5J have worked hard on their Maya projects. The gallery shows the fantastic work they have produced in a variety of different ways. 

Year 5 Science workshop, by Mr Jolly

Date: 3rd Jan 2017 @ 1:15pm

On Friday 2nd December Mr Jolly took three children from Year 5 to Manchester Museum. Here they enjoyed a fantastic workshop, where they completed lots of experiments and thought like scientists.

Year 5 Christmas around the World December 2016, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 16th Dec 2016 @ 10:19pm

As part of our R.E topic this half term, we have been learning about other countries and how they celebrate Christmas. To help us learn more about this we thought of lots of questions we wanted to ask a class in America and we got to Skype this class to ask our questions. 

The best bit was when they sang 'Jingle Bells'!

Year 5 Life Cycle Observations Autumn Term 2016, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 16th Dec 2016 @ 9:49pm

KS2 Production, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Dec 2016 @ 5:34pm

A fantastic production of 'Silent Night'. Well done KS2. 

Cam Toy Production, by Mr Jolly

Date: 14th Dec 2016 @ 5:10pm

Cam Toys, by Mr Jolly

Date: 14th Dec 2016 @ 3:29pm

Working Scientifically, by Mr Jolly

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 10:01am

5J have been looking at how the naturalists, in particualr David Atinborough, work. We learnt about what they do and how they go about their work. We then spent the afternoon pretending to be naturalist studying: lions, polar bears, frogs, sharks, gorillas and snakes. Finally 5J presented their work to the rest of a class, just as David Attinborough would in his TV documentaries.  

5J Maya Workshop at Touchstones 17/11, by Mr Jolly

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 9:43am

5J thoroughly enjoyed the trip.  They learnt about the Maya houses for different classes of people and then made replica houses out of Lego. They also learnt about Maya food, smelling different spices from the region.  They then explored what Maya Gods looked like, with the follow up activity involving sketching and clay modelling of a face.

Remembrance Day 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 11:43am


On 11th November at 11am we held a Remembrance Assembly so we could remember all those who have died, especially in wars. The Year 6 children had made poppy wreaths and we all listened to some poems, prayed and had a two minute silence.


We were very lucky to have Mr Murray lead our 2 minute silence by playing the 'Last Post' on the cornet. The "Last Post" is a cavalry trumpet call used in military funerals and ceremonies commemorating those who have been killed in war. He then finished the two minute silence by playing 'Reveille'. The two tunes symbolise sunset and sunrise respectively, and therefore, death and resurrection. Thank you Mr Murray!


Macmillan Coffee Morning - September 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 30th Sep 2016 @ 8:58pm


A huge 'THANK YOU!' to all of our children, staff and families who supported our Macmillan coffee morning with donations of cakes and biscuits, money for our fundraising and all of those who came along to support this event. All of the money raised will go towards helping people facing cancer. Children, staff and parents all had a fantastic time - take a look at some of the photos below.

Roald Dahl Day - September 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 13th Sep 2016 @ 7:16pm

The children really enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl's birthday!

The children listened to some wonderful Roald Dahl books in their classes and enjoyed lots of games, activities, crafts and tasks based around these stories. Take a look below at some photos from the day.

100% Attendance Winners - July 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 8:55pm

At the end of this academic year we held a very special 100% attendance assembly - to celebrate those children who have made the excellent achievement of being in school every day for the whole year! Each of these children received a £10 gift voucher so that they could choose themselves a treat, and they were also entered into our golden ticket winner draw. Just one lucky 100% attendance child won this draw and an extra special prize! They were able to come with their family and Mr Whelan to Halfords to choose themselves their dream bike! As well as this they chose a helmet, lights, a pump and a lock! What an excellent prize for such a super achievement!!

Well done to all of our 100% attendance children - remember next year it could be you!


Our Woodland Walk Makes Rochdale In Bloom! - July 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 8:35pm

We are very proud to have been asked by Rochdale In Bloom to be part of an article all about our amazing woodland walk! Take a look at some of the photos that have been selected to be part of the article. We love our woodland walk, and are glad we can help to make Rochdale bloom!


Feast Day of St. Peter - June 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 8:20pm

What a fantastic day we had to celebrate the Feast Day of St. Peter! The children spent some time in their classes learning all about this special Saint whom our school is named after. We were very lucky to have Rev. Stephen come to see us and deliver a special assembly marking the day. We also had lots of fun when magician Paul Storey came to perform for us all. The celebrations were complete when an ice-cream van visited the school, and all of the children were able to choose a yummy treat - the oreos, sherbet and marshmallows were especially popular!! Take a look at some of the photos from the super day!



Sports Days - June 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 20th Jul 2016 @ 7:55pm

All of the children had a great time taking part in their sports days. Take a look at some of the photos below!


Hatching our Easter Chicks! - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 24th Mar 2016 @ 12:51pm


We were very excited to watch our eggs hatch and the chicks emerge! Please click below to see some of the photos!

Singing Challenge - A Certain Kind of Imagination - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 8th Mar 2016 @ 4:21pm

We had great fun taking part in the Greater Manchester 'Singing Challenge 2016'. On Tuesday 8th March we joined together with other schools by learning a fabulously catchy and fun song 'A Certain Kind of Imagination'. We also learnt some fascinating facts about scientific and industrial developments within Greater Manchester.

Please click on the links below for more information and watch us sing below!

Our New Library! - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 4th Mar 2016 @ 1:05pm


We are delighted with our new library, that includes, a 'Poetry Den', kindles, comic and magazine station as well as over 6000 hardcopy and electronic books!

Author Visit - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 4th Mar 2016 @ 11:47am

We were delighted to welcome acclaimed comedy author, Adam Perrott to our school. He was with us for two days and worked with all the classes. He shared extracts from two of his books, 'The Odds' and 'The Odds Strike Back' and also led a very funny assembly and officially opened our new library! Have a look at the photos and videos below below!

Fun in the snow! - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 4th Mar 2016 @ 11:23am


We loved playing in the snow! Have a look at the pictures below!



World Book Day Winners! - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 9:27pm


We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see the winners from each class!



World Book Day - March 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 3rd Mar 2016 @ 9:17pm


We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!




Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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