In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 1K: Gallery

Easter Fun!, by Miss Kyte

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:48pm

During the lead up to Easter we have had lots of fun! We have been learning all about Holy Week and using drama to show freexe frames of the Easter story. We created Easter cards to give to our families and had a lovely little visit with the chicks :) 

1K World Book Day Workshop - March 2020, by Miss Kyte

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:34pm

We really enjoyed our workshop with Westend in Schools Theatre Company. We took part in a workshop all about 'The Enormous Crocodile' and perfomed a dance to match the story. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to doing work on this book. 

Year 1's duckling visit, by Miss Kyte

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:21pm

Now that the ducklings have all hatched, we had a lovely afternoon visiting the new arrivals! We sat in a circle so that non of them could escape and watched them walking around, exploring and going for a swim. We each got to stroke the ducklings and thought about what names we would like to call each of them :)

Year 1 Collective Worship - March 2020, by Miss Seasman

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 2:07pm

We have just introduced our new Christian value 'Justice' and had a wonderful assembly all about the bible story, The Unjust Judge. We talked about the importance of being fair and treating others how we woud like to be treated. We really enjoy our discussions and coming together as a year group. To finish our assembly we practised our Easter hymns! 

World Book Day - March 2020, by Mr Wood

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:55pm

We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!


Church - February 2020, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Feb 2020 @ 1:08pm

Year 5 went to Church this week with Nursery and Year 1, and the service was all about Lent and temptation. The children wrote some lovely prayers which they read out during the service. 

Ice Cream Van Morning , by Miss Kyte

Date: 22nd Jan 2020 @ 8:07am

We really enjoyed our ice creams as a celebration of our wonderful report from our SIAM Inspection! The children were all very grateful and the ice creams were delicious! 

Hallé Orchestra - January 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Jan 2020 @ 5:31pm

The Hallé is an English symphony orchestra based in Manchester and we were lucky enough to have a fantastic visit from them.
We were able to enjoy the wonderful music they were playing and also join in by sinning, dancing and even some children playing the instruments - an experience the children won't forget! 

Pantomime - December 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 19th Dec 2019 @ 2:09pm

We all had a wonderful time watching the performance of Cinderella, especially joining in with all the songs!

Carol Concert - December 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Dec 2019 @ 4:50pm

We all had a really lovely morning at our carol concert, we lit our third Advent candle (joy) and enjoyed singing some lovely carols. As the children sung, children from Year 1 gathered on the stage to create the manger scene. 

STEM day presentations - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 30th Nov 2019 @ 8:32am

Yesterday afternoon, all of the children at St Peter’s took part in a STEM day challenge. The children had to use all of their science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills to produce a working marble run. The degree of difficulty got progressively challenging throughout school years, starting with nursery creating a simple structure using Lego up to Year 6 introducing a pulley stystem. Once the marble runs were completed, each class held a vote to choose their most successful marble run, these were then sent to the hall ready to be judged. The winners were then selected from EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, the winners then received their very own marble run. All of the children should be proud of their achievements, as they all worked extremely hard throughout the day!

STEM Day! - November 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 3:57pm

We had a fantastic day taking part in our STEM challenge. We used our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics skills to create our very own marble run. We worked in teams and planned our designs before making them using a variety of resources. What a great day!

1K Class Collective Worship , by Miss Kyte

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 2:09pm

Stephen came in to deliver a class collective worship linking to our Christian Value this term of trust. We looked at the Bible story 'Jesus calming the storm' and discussed how the disciples had to trust that Jesus would help them. We then discussed who we trust in our lives and why trust is such an important part of who we are. 

LEGOLAND, by Miss Kyte

Date: 18th Nov 2019 @ 10:40am

On Wednesday we visited LEGOLAND Manchester. We had a fantastic time playing with the different pieces of lego and challenging ourselves to build lots of models. We played in the Lego soft play area, drove the Lego police cars around a track and was even lucky enough to watch a 4D Lego film! We all attended a spinning top workshop where we learnt how to build our own spinning tops and then created a device to make our spinning tops spin even faster! We had a brilliant day and learnt lots of interesting new things! 

Collective Worship with Stephen, by Miss Healey

Date: 11th Nov 2019 @ 9:35am

Stephen came in to speak to us about the importance of trusting Jesus and how those in the Bible had trusted Jesus

Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 4th Nov 2019 @ 1:05pm

This morning for Anti-Bullying Week, we were lucky enough to have an Anti-Bullying Drama, presented to the whole school, based on the story of ‘David & Goliath’ 1 Samuel 17. The children learnt about the story and discussed how David believed in himself and did not let the bullies win.

Remembrance collective worship - November 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 1st Nov 2019 @ 10:18am

This morning, we were lucky enough to have Reverend Margaret Smith, Rochdale Town Chaplain, to deliver our collective worship. She spoke all about remembrance and the important of the body. The children were reflective and thought about the important of remembering those to have sadly died during wars. 

NSPCC Assembly - October 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 2:32pm

We had a wonderful assembly delivered by the NSPCC about worries children may face and how to recognise and approach these worries. The children learnt about lots of different people they can speak to both at home and at school. 

Collective Worship - October 2019 , by Miss Seasman

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 2:24pm

We have really enjoyed our collective worships this term led by the Year 1 pupils. Our worships related to our Christian value of thankfulness.

Church Visit - October 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 28th Oct 2019 @ 2:20pm

We had a lovely morning at church thanking God for all he does for us and learning how important Harvest Festival is for Christians. 

NSPCC - October 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 1st Oct 2019 @ 5:04pm

This morning, the children were able to take part in an assembly hosted by the NSPCC. The children discussed the worries they might face in life and growing up and discussed who they could share these worries with at home and school. 

100% Attendance Assembly - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Jul 2019 @ 4:01pm

Well done to all of the children who received 100% attendance for the Summer Term. You have done amazingly well! A special well done to those children who have managed to achieve 100% throughout the year. This is a fantastic achievement! 

Star of the Year - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 9:53am

This morning, we celebrated our ‘Stars of the Year’ well done to the children who received the amazing award!

STEM Presentations - April 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 28th Apr 2019 @ 5:24pm

On Friday, each year group presented their STEM project to the rest of the school with real success. It was clear that each class had had a fantastic time linking science, technology, engineering and mathematics together to answer a big question inspired from the Bible. 

100% attendance - April 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Apr 2019 @ 3:42pm

Well done to all of the children who received a certificate and an Easter egg for gaining 100% attendance for the Spring term - brilliant!

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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