Our Gallery
Class 3H Cornet Concert - Dec 2015, by Mr Whelan
Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 2:10pm
The children in Class 3H have been learning how to play the cornet. They held a fantastic concert to show how much they had learnt. Well done 3H!
KS2 Perform 'Children of the World', by Mr Whelan
Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 12:34pm
All the children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 really enjoyed performing 'Children of the World!'
Please take a look at the photos and watch the video clips.
KS1 Perform 'The Landlord's Cat!' - Dec 2015, by Mr Whelan
Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 10:55am
All the children in Year 1 and 2 really enjoyed performing 'The Landlord's Cat!'
Please watch the video clips.
EYFS Perform Whoops-a-Daisy Angel - Dec 2015, by Mr Whelan
Date: 5th Jan 2016 @ 10:27am
All the children in Nursery and Reception really enjoyed performing Whoops-a-Daisy Angel!
Please have a look at the photos and watch the video clips.
Manchester School Sends Jumpers to Africa!, by Mr Whelan
Date: 4th Jan 2016 @ 2:21pm
Children at St Peter’s Church of England Primary School, Rochdale, were celebrating their efforts in supporting another primary school, for orphaned children, across the globe.
Tiyamike Mulungu Centre is situated in Bangula, a small village in Malawi, Africa. Tiyamike Mulungu, which is Chichewa for "Let us give thanks to God" is home to 115 children. The children have come to the Centre at different ages and circumstances; some as babies, a few hours old, to a 12 year old boy who had never been to school.
St Peter’s Church of England have been supporting the development of the Centre’s provision for education by donating approximately 500 school jumpers, 180 classroom tables, 60 classroom chairs and over 1000 books, following their recent refurbishment and uniform change.
Kerstin Obermann, a volunteer from the Centre and trustee of the UK registered charity , attended a recent assembly at St Peter’s to present a letter of thanks and a canvas photo of the children in Africa proudly wearing their new uniforms. “Thank you again to St Peter’s for all your help; the books, uniforms, and much more! The jerseys are great, the kids love them!”
Mr Aelred Whelan, Headteacher, expressed his thanks to all involved “I was delighted with the enthusiasm for this project. During our recent refurbishment and badge change, we found ourselves with lots of obsolete furniture and uniform. We were determined that these should not just be wasted and could greatly benefit others less fortunate than ourselves. After much research we managed to link up with the Tiyamike Mulungu Centre . This has been a fantastic project, which has not only benefitted the children in Malawi, but greatly benefited the pupils, families and staff at St Peter’s by reemphasizing the need for charity and helping others. Our children were so excited as they saw the pictures of the children in Africa wearing their jumpers! Thank you to all the parents, children and staff who have supported this donation – what a great community we live and work in.
A further shipment will be sent to the Centre in December containing more tables and books.
(For further details contact: Tiyamike Mulungu UK - tiyamikeuk@gmail.com - www.tiyamike.com,)
THE BIG TIDY UP!, by Mrs Mellor
Date: 9th Dec 2015 @ 12:38pm
We really enjoyed 'The Big Tidy Up' on Friday 27th November. We cleaned up the playground area on Crawford Street, near our school.
Y6 Interview for WWII Topic Dec 2015, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 2nd Dec 2015 @ 12:00pm
On Tuesday 1st December, Y6 enjoyed interviewing Mrs Molloy's Auntie Audrey as part of their learning on WWII.
Here are some of the questions which they asked...
What was it like to be living during WWII?
How old were you when it started?
Were you evacuated?
Why did women not fight in the war?
Could you hear bombs?
Did you have a gas mask?
How did you feel when you found out about the war?
Was your dad or any other relatives in the war?
Did you hear the air raid siren? How did it feel?
Did you have a close friend that you lost?
Was you aware of what was going on at the time?
What was life like when it ended?
Were you hurt?
Was that a bad time in your life?
Class 3S Big Tidy Up, by Mrs Sprowell
Date: 27th Nov 2015 @ 2:02pm
Y6 Big Tidy Up Nov 2015, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 24th Nov 2015 @ 3:15pm
Year 6 children enjoyed the Big Tidy Up.
Take a look at our photographs.
Anti Bullying Week- Blue Friday, by Miss Marney
Date: 20th Nov 2015 @ 3:52pm
On Friday 20th November 2015 St Peter's had a 'Blue Friday'. This was to promote Anti Bullying week. The children wore blue clothes and brought in a £1 to donate to the Anti Alliance charity. The day was centred around 'making a noise' for bullying which was this year's theme. The children took part in lots of activities such as making anti bullying slogans, making friendship trees, circle times and drama. Here are some pictures of the activities that happened. We also had a special assembly. You can follow the link below to one of the videos we watched.
Year 6 go to Crucial Crew, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 19th Nov 2015 @ 12:56pm
Superhero day in Reception , by Miss Crabtree
Date: 17th Nov 2015 @ 8:19am
The children had a wonderful day dressed as Superheroes to raise money for Children In Need. They took part in a parade to show us their costumes and danced to some fo their favourite music.
6M's Class Assembly on British Values Nov 2015, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 15th Nov 2015 @ 8:16am
6M shared their learning about British Values.
At St. Peter's we understand the importance of teaching British Values not only in RE but across the whole curriculum too.
Check the website for updates as soon there will be a British Values tab with even more information.
Children in Need Nov 2015, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 15th Nov 2015 @ 7:55am
Science Experiment , by Miss Kyte
Date: 13th Nov 2015 @ 3:11pm
We created our own rain gauges using a plastic bottle and a ruler. We then predicted how many centimetres of rainfall there would be during one week. Everyone had different predicitons with some children estimating 2 cms of rain, and other children predicting 20cm of rain! We kept our rain gauges in the allotments at school. After one week we went back and measured how many centimetres of rain our rain gauges had collected.
Our Remembrance Poppies, by Miss Harrison
Date: 13th Nov 2015 @ 9:34am
On November 11th, we remembered those people who have sacrificed their lives to protect us. We also remembered those that have passed away. We hope you like reading our thoughts.
Bonfire Night In Foundation Stage, by Miss Crabtree
Date: 10th Nov 2015 @ 8:22am
The children had a wonderful time watching the fireworks on Bonfire Night. After the fireworks we came back into school to warm up and had chocolate and parkin. It was delicious.
Year 5 Visit To Victoria Hall Bolton, by Mrs Mellor
Date: 6th Nov 2015 @ 8:01am
We went to Victoria Hall in Bolton to take part in the Manchester Primary Prom. We listened to lots of diferent music including Jazz and we learnt a song about a Fire Bird.
Year 1 trip to Clitheroe Castle, by Miss Mortimer
Date: 4th Nov 2015 @ 12:27pm
On the last day of Autumn 1 half term year 1 went on a trip to Clitheroe Castle.
We learnt all about the castle and who used to live there, we built our own sand motte and bailey castles, we learnt how to use a sword and a shield and we heard all about dragons and knights.
Year 6 class crosses, by Miss Hulse
Date: 3rd Nov 2015 @ 2:51pm
We looked at our class crosses to find out which Bible story was on there. We enjoyed using our new class Bibles to read the stories. After this we created our own cross to show our life journey.
Fun in Reception, by Miss Crabtree
Date: 2nd Nov 2015 @ 4:32pm
The children have had a super first half term in Reception playing and learning in our areas or provision.
Celebration of Faith Event October 2015, by Mrs Molloy
Date: 27th Oct 2015 @ 7:48am
Harvest Collection - October 2015, by Mr Whelan
Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 11:35am
We have been busy collecting food to help support those less fortunate than ourselves in our local community. Rochdale Foodbank were very grateful for all the kind donations.
Our Year 1 children led a beautiful assembly all about 'Harvest' and how we can help others as God wants us to. Take a look at our photos!
3H Pop Art Collages, by Miss Harrison
Date: 22nd Oct 2015 @ 8:20am
Look at our amazing collages, inspired by Andy Warhol's Pop-Art! We used four different colours to make the iconic image of Mickey Mouse stand out.
Reception Eid Party, by Miss Crabtree
Date: 6th Oct 2015 @ 4:10pm
The children had a wonderful time at our Eid party. We played games such as musical statues and pass the parcel. The children also shared lots of yummy food from home.