In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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Year 6 ERUPT! - March 2015, by Mr Booth

Date: 2nd Apr 2015 @ 12:27pm

In Year 6 we have been learning all about volcanoes; how they are formed, the different types of volcano, how they erupt and the devastating consequences that they create when they do.

As part of this project, the Year 6 pupils decided that they would like to create their very own active volcanoes! The children worked in groups to design, create and put their teamwork and artistic skills together to produce a realistic 3D volcano. Then we planned science experiments using mentos, lemonade, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and washing up liquid to create a dramatic eruption!

Look at our pictures  to see the final product - we were all very impressed and enjoyed making the volcanoes!

Simon Danczuk visits the School Council - March 2015, by Miss Harrison

Date: 31st Mar 2015 @ 8:38am

On Friday, 27th March, we welcomed our local MP, Simon Danczuk, to St. Peter's. We held a School Council and RRS Meeting with him and discussed what we could do for the local community. We also gave him a tour of the school so that he could meet the children and see all of the great work we are doing! It was a lovely afternoon!

The Solar Eclipse- Nursery - March 2015, by Miss Crabtree

Date: 25th Mar 2015 @ 2:48pm

The children were very interested in the eclipse. We used Google to research information about it and learnt that a solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun.

We went outside to see it but we were not allowed to look at the sun in case it damaged our eyes but when the clouds passed over it we were allowed to look. It went very dark outside! 

Class 4H self-portraits, a la Frida Khalo! - March 2015, by Miss Harrison

Date: 20th Mar 2015 @ 2:08pm

Look at our fantastic self-portraits! We used a secret grid to help get everything in proportion and added a picture of something that is special to us in the background (or on our foreheads!). Can you spot the Frida Khalo original in here, too?!

Rec RM Class Assembly - March 2015, by Mrs Moorhouse

Date: 13th Mar 2015 @ 8:40am

Rec RM performed a lovely assembly all about Lent and Mother's Day. Thank you to everyone who supported the children by attending the class assembly.

If you weren't able to make it, here are a few photographs.

The children all did really well.

Our Extreme Reading Challenge! - March 2015, by Mr Whelan

Date: 11th Mar 2015 @ 5:05pm

World Book Day Year 3LG - March 2015, by Mrs Green

Date: 6th Mar 2015 @ 11:43am

Thank you to all the children who dressed up for World Book Day. We had so much fun especially when the children saw Mr Whelan disguised as a dalmation dog! Congratulations to Iqra who won a book token. I wonder what book she will treat herself to. Have a look at the gallery and see Little Red Riding Hood meeting up with the Big Bad Wolf! (looks like someone very familiar!)

World Book Day Winners! - March 2015, by Mr Whelan

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 5:00pm


We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see the winners from each class!


World Book Day - March 2015, by Mr Whelan

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 4:54pm


We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!


World Book Day Reception NM - March 2015, by Miss Marney

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 4:27pm

On Thursday 5th March 2015 we celebrated World Book Day in school. The children came dressed as their favourite character and brought in a £1, for the charity Book start. All the children had fantastic costumes. We read the story 'Dinosaurs love underpants' and we also watched the Gruffalo on the Interactive whiteboard. The children took part in a catwalk to show off their costumes and Simra was our class winner. Well done everyone! Have a look at our photos below.

World Book Day in Nursery - March 2015, by Miss Crabtree

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 3:53pm

The children had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day.  There were some fantastic costumes and characters from books such as Sleeping Beauty, The Very hungry Caterpillar, The Tiger That Came To Tea, Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosuars and many more.

Well done to Asha who won the best costume from Nursery.  She dressed up as a caterpillar from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and made her costume at home with her mum.  Asha won a £5.00 book token.  We think she looked fantastic.

Please remember to share books and stories at home as not only is it great fun but will help your child to learn new language, new experiences and develops their imagination ready for writing.

Year 3 BIG TIDY UP - March 2015, by Mrs Green

Date: 5th Mar 2015 @ 11:19am

Here are Year 3 having a really BIG TIDY UP!

Class 4M Canopic Jars - March 2015, by Mrs Mellor

Date: 4th Mar 2015 @ 2:23pm

We have designed and made Canopic Jars using modrock and clay.The jars were used by Ancient Egyptians to hold mummified remains.  During the mummification process the organs of the human body were removed and preserved separately in canopic jars.

Year 6 'Haka' dance lesson - Feb 2015, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 27th Feb 2015 @ 3:50pm

Our first dance lesson this half term involved looking at 'The Haka'.

The Haka is a war dance invented by the Maori tribe in New Zealand.

It was performed to scare their enemies, to help get them ‘psyched up’ for battle and make them feel like a team.

Now the New Zealand rugby team, the ‘All Blacks’ perform it before each of their games to try and put off their opponents!

Look at our scary faces...!



The Year 6 Big Tidy Up! - Feb 2015, by Mr Booth

Date: 25th Feb 2015 @ 4:21pm


25th February 2015

Today, the children took part in the 'Big Tidy Up', collecting litter from around the local area and community. Have a look at the pictures from this afternoon! 

Nursery Dinosaur Topic - Feb 2015, by Miss Crabtree

Date: 23rd Feb 2015 @ 5:24pm

The Nursery children had a fantastic time learning all about dinosaurs and researching information about them using Google. We made our own dinosaurs using play dough and painted pictures of them. The children took part in a special hunt in the outdoor area and found some bones!  The children think the bones could be from a T-Rex.   

Scholastic Book Fair - Feb 2015, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 12th Feb 2015 @ 11:50am

The Scholastic Book Fair has been a success so far this week.



Here are some photographs from the event...


'Safer Internet Day' Class 6M - Feb 2015, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 11th Feb 2015 @ 4:51pm


On the 10th February, as part of 'Safer Internet Day' 6M created online pledges about how they could make the internet a safer place! Please watch our short video to see the pledges we wrote!

3G's Cornet Concert - Feb 2015, by Mrs Gill

Date: 9th Feb 2015 @ 8:16pm


On Friday 6th February 3G performed their Cornet Concert. Since September, with the help of Steve Walsh from the Rochdale Music Service, the class had been learning how to play the cornet. The children thoroughly enjoyed their weekly music lesson. This was evident from the fantastic solo performances by some of the children!



Making models - Jan 2015, by Miss Marney

Date: 3rd Feb 2015 @ 10:56am

The children had lots of fun with the new construction toys. They made models with Lego and K'NEX. The children then had to write a name label on their model so it could proudly be displayed. Look at our fantastic models!!

Class 4M's Assembly 'The Ancient Egyptians' - Jan 2015, by Mrs Mellor

Date: 30th Jan 2015 @ 1:17pm

On Thursday 29th January, despite the snowy weather Class 4M performed a very entertaining assembly all about the Ancient Egyptians.  They told us how to mummify a body, the tale of Osiris and Isis, about the discovery of an ancient Pharaoh's tomb and even told a few mummy jokes.

What is a mummy's favourite music? Wrap music!


Having Fun in the Snow! - Jan 2015, by Mr Whelan

Date: 21st Jan 2015 @ 2:42pm

We had great fun outside when it snowed. Have a look at some of our pictures. We hope you like our snowmen!



Dental Surgery Role Play - Rec - Jan 2015, by Mrs Moorhouse

Date: 20th Jan 2015 @ 2:17pm

Our dental surgery role play is now open. Look at what we can do!

Year 6 Visit London - Dec 2014, by Mr Booth

Date: 19th Jan 2015 @ 4:16pm

In December the Year 6 children  had a wonderful time in London learning all about the capital city of England. Work completed in class prior to the visit was built upon during our amazing visit. The children had the chance to visit 'The Magical World of Harry Potter' before they arrived in London. Once there, they had a tour of Parliament, a boat ride on the River Thames and even had time to have a (very wet) journey on the London Eye!

Take a look at some of the pictures...

Making the solar system - Rec - Jan 2015, by Miss Marney

Date: 19th Jan 2015 @ 4:14pm

The children had fun making planets with balloons, glue and paper. We waited while they dried and then painted them the right colours. They are now displayed in our room.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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