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Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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World Book Day - March 2018, by Mr Whelan

Date: 8th Mar 2018 @ 3:48pm


We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!




Fist Aid 6M, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 8th Mar 2018 @ 10:35am

On Wednesday 7th March, a lady from British Red Cross named Sandra came in to teach the Year 6 children about everyday First Aid. They made up some role plays to act out situations where everyday First Aid could be used. Some of these scenarios included: burns, head injuries and seizures. Finally they had a go at doing CPR on a dummy.

First Aid, by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Mar 2018 @ 1:01pm

Year 6 have a fanastic time learning all about first aid this morning. 

Easter Dance , by Miss Nuttall

Date: 7th Mar 2018 @ 11:15am

Today, we took part in an Easter dance workshop.  

6M Springs Easter Dance Workshop, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 6th Mar 2018 @ 11:15am

We had fun working with Springs dance company to retell the Easter story.

Palm Sunday Story, by Mrs Gill

Date: 5th Mar 2018 @ 7:48pm

The Springs Dance Company came to school to lead a workshop about Easter. The story was told through the art of dance. The children thoroughly enjoyed the lesson. Take a look at some of the dance routines🙂

Palm Sunday and Easter through dance!, by Mr Murray

Date: 5th Mar 2018 @ 10:28am

As we approach Easter, we begin to think about the events that lead up to Holy Week. The Springs dance Company came in to lead a workshop all about Palm Sunday; Holy Week and then Easter itself. We were very lucky in that we could learn the story through dance.

The children learned the story and the dance incredibly well and thoroughly enjoyed the session.

Hope you enjoy a small snapshot.

Mr Murray

World Book Week, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 26th Feb 2018 @ 3:31pm

We have started World Book Week off by looking at the selection of books available at the fair.  

Author Visit, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 5:18pm

This week we Year 4 have been visited by an author. John Malham is a non-fiction author and he told us all about the biography he has written about Queen Elizabeth II. It was very interesting and we even got to meet the Queen!

4C at Toad Lane Pioneers Museum, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 5:13pm

On Wednesday we walked to the PIoneers Museum on Toad Lane. This is the actual site of the very first Co-operative shop set up by The Rochdale Pioneers. We learned a lot about what these Victorian men did for Rochdale and Fair trading.

Poetry Reciting , by Mr Jolly

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 3:48pm

Key Stage 1 Multi Sports Festival , by Miss Kyte

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 1:58pm

Four children from year 1 and four children from year 2, were chosen to represent St Peters at the Mini Stars Multi sports festival which took place at Rochdale Lesiure Centre. The children participated in a range of sports activities such as bean bag toss, skipping race, sack racing, hurdles and a relay race. The organisors of the event explained that as this was a multisport festival, they did not want to choose any winners and the taking part and effort of all the children was the most important thing. However, they decided that they wanted to make a special mention, and give a trophy, to the children of St Peters as they had displayed fantastic behaviour, brilliant skills and had tried their very best in each and every activity! 

Toad Lane, by Mr Jolly

Date: 23rd Feb 2018 @ 8:40am

5N's class assembly, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 22nd Feb 2018 @ 2:38pm

Here are some pictures from 5N's class assembly.  Everyone did really well learning their lines and speaking loud and clearly.  Well done! 

Measuring forces, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 7:56pm

Today in Science, Year 5 had the chance to measure forces using a newton meter.  They measured everything from the prize box to their own bags! 

World Book Week - visit from John Malam , by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 7:50pm

Year 5 had a great time today being visited by John Malam.  They learnt all about Queen Elizabeth II and wrote a letter to the Queen as well.

Internet Safety Week , by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 7:35pm

For Internet Saftey Week, we looked at whether comments you make online can ever be deleted.  We wrote a comment on a piece of paper and then stuck it on to our comment wall.  At the end of the lesson we tried to take the comments off the wall, and found that no matter how much we tried there was always a mark left.  We also created how to be safe on the internet posters.

Our debate on whether to have a class pet or not..., by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 7:28pm

In English we have been busy with our persuasive writing.  The question we were looking at was, should we have a class pet or not?  The class were split in to for and against groups.  They researched their reasons for and against having a class pet.  We then arranged a debate where they could express their views.  There were some well researched arguments put forward from both sides, however in the end the winners were the against team.  Here are some pictures of our debate.

Year 6 author visit , by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 4:38pm

Year 6 had a fantastic time with our visit from John Malam.

The Day we wrote a letter to the Queen, by Mrs Gill

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 10:31am

Today we were visited by the author John Malam who did a workshop on the Royal family. We created a family tree and learned how  to construct a formal letter which will be sent to the Queen. John also told us about  some of the interesting presents the Queen received when she got married.  One of them was a Turkey from a girl in America who asked if the queen would send  back the wishbone! 

The  children came up with some amazing questions which they wanted to ask the Queen. Lets hope the Queen answers some of them! 

The day we wrote to the Queen, by Mr Murray

Date: 21st Feb 2018 @ 9:26am

We have been very lucky in Year 3!

Today we had a workshop with the fascinating John Malam during which we learned about the Royal Family family tree. Through this, we learned how to construct official formal letters and we hope to and these off the the palace directly. Aside from this, we learned about some of the strange presents that Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip received at their wedding - a turkey because people knew that England was struggling for food at the time. 

The children had some fantastic ideas and knew an amazing amount about our royal heritage. I hope to show some examples of our letters and work later on today. 

Mr Murray

Chinese New Year , by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 19th Feb 2018 @ 4:25pm


We celebrtaed our own Chinese New Year Party. 


We ate spring rolls, noodles and prawn crackers. 


We then performed a dragon dance accompanied with our own music.


Ancient Greek Learning Log Challenges, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 19th Feb 2018 @ 6:40am

The children enjoyed researching Ancient Greece. They showcased their work which included PowerPoint presentations, role play, quizzes and models. Great work 6M!

6H Ancient Greek Projects , by Miss Hulse

Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 4:05pm

6H have really enjoyed learning all about “Why we should thank the Anicient Greeks.”

We have made some fantastic projects.

CHURCH VISIT 05.02.2018, by Mrs Gill

Date: 9th Feb 2018 @ 3:52pm

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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