In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Our Gallery

Roman Chester -September 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 5:41pm

What a fantastic day 4C have had in Chester! We saw real archaeological digs showing Roman the remains of Roman buildings. We also marched through the town chanting in Latin!. The children were excellently well behaved and all staff were very proud of them. Thank you very much to our parent helper today for giving up her time to accompany us. Fun learning with lots of facts to take back to the classroom! 

Chester Dewa Roman Visit - September 19, by Mr Jolly

Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 4:58pm

6H Class Collective Worship - September 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 18th Sep 2019 @ 9:33am

6H lead collective worship this morning, the children focussed the worship upon out Christian value of 'thankfulness'. The children discussed the injustice around the world and what we can do to help. We read aloud 'Jesus and Widow' (Mark 12:41-44) and concluded that the window was very thankful for all she had, even though it was not a lot. 

Class Collective Worship -September 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 17th Sep 2019 @ 5:50pm

This week 4C led collective Worship in Year 4. The children asked the big question Have you always respected others? Their key message was, “Love your neighbours as yourself.” The girls talked about the Good Samaritan story and acted parts of it out. Well done girls a lovely, first, Class Worship.

Year 6 - Hockey - September 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 13th Sep 2019 @ 4:09pm

Year 6 had a fabulous afternoon, learning how to play hockey. The children worked extremely well in their pairs, passing the ball along the floor in a controlled manner. These skills will be built upon over the next coming weeks ending with the children having a full match.

6H - Reverend Stephen Watkinson class worship - September 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 5:30pm

This afternoon, 6H took part in class collective worship lead by our Reverend Stephen Watkinson. The worship focused on our Christian value of thankfulness. The children shared their ideas about thankfulness and listen to a Bible story of Jesus healing the ten men (Luke 17:11-19). The worship ended with the children thinking about the injustice in the world and prayers about how we should be thankful for all we have. 

6H - Thankfulness Collective Worship - September 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 12th Sep 2019 @ 9:58am

6H presented their collective worship to the rest of the school this morning, with a focus on our Christian value for this half term - thankfulness. We sang songs, read prayers and acted out the story of The Ten Leapers (Luke 17 11:19). This helped to spread the message that it is important to show an appreciation for the things we have and to return that appreciation, even if it is just with the word ‘thank you’. We ended the worship by considering all the things we are thankful for and how we can share all we have with those around the world.

Being Palaeontologists! - September 2019 , by Mrs Molloy

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 12:13pm

In Science today, we imagined that we were palaeontologists. Using cookies and toothpicks we excavated the chocolate chips from the cookies. 

Pupil Led Worship - September 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 11th Sep 2019 @ 11:50am

Today, pupils in 6M led worship and focussed on the value of thankfulness. The group chose to share the Bible story about when Jesus fed the 5000 and we enjoyed singing the hymn - 'If I Were A Butterfly' together.

The Big Frieze - Y6 September 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 8th Sep 2019 @ 5:48pm

During our first week in Year 6, we have revisited 'The Big Frieze', exploring the key Christian concepts. Children enjoyed giving meraning to symbols and ordering pictures with their meanings.

100% Attendance Assembly - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Jul 2019 @ 4:01pm

Well done to all of the children who received 100% attendance for the Summer Term. You have done amazingly well! A special well done to those children who have managed to achieve 100% throughout the year. This is a fantastic achievement! 

Year Six - Lion King Production - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Jul 2019 @ 3:52pm

We are so proud of our Year 6 children, who did an amazing job with our production of ‘The Lion King’. Their singing, dancing and acting was unreal and they really did shine! 

Y6 Careers Morning - July 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 12:16pm

Children in Year 6 enjoyed the careers morning. It began with asking questions to our visitors so we could guess what their job was. We had professinals from:

- The Church

- Hopwood Hall College

- Rochdale Football Club


- A Medical Centre

This was followed by a rotation of workshops...

Star of the Year - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 9:53am

This morning, we celebrated our ‘Stars of the Year’ well done to the children who received the amazing award!

6H Class Collective Worship - July 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Jul 2019 @ 8:05am

6H had a lovely afternoon reflecting upon their time at St Peter's, the children considered how Christian Values would help them as they move onto high school.  

Linking Network Cogs, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jul 2019 @ 4:34pm

Future Weather Forecasters - July 19, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jul 2019 @ 2:03pm

Design Technology-July 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 12th Jul 2019 @ 12:52pm

Today we have making the product that we have researched, product tested and designed-BISCUITS! Biscuits has been our theme for DT this term and we have thoroughly enjoyed it. Today we baked a variety of biscuits. Watch out for them coming home for you to test. The children worked really well together and a big THANK YOU to Judith and the ladies in the kitchen for cooking them in the ovens for us. 

Summer 2 Church Service - July 19, by Mr Jolly

Date: 11th Jul 2019 @ 5:21pm

Collective Worship-July 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 10th Jul 2019 @ 5:16pm

Today’s Collective Worship in Year 4 asked the big question “Is is always easy to tell the truth?” We listened to a bible reading, said some prayers and sang some hymns. Thank you to the children that led today’s worship. 

Sports Day - Year 5 and 6 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 8th Jul 2019 @ 5:41pm

Upper Key Stage Two had a fantastic time during Sports Day this afternoon. The children were all amazing!

Thanks to parents for coming along to support the children.

Sports Day - Year 3 and 4 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 8th Jul 2019 @ 5:35pm

Lower Key Stage Two had a fantastic time during Sports Day this afternoon. The children were all amazing!

Thanks to parents for coming along to support the children.

St Peter's Day in Year 1 - June 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 8th Jul 2019 @ 2:26pm

We had a fantastic day on June the 28th to celebrate St Peter's Day!

Year 1 Eureka Trip - June 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 8th Jul 2019 @ 2:13pm

We had a fantastic day at Eureka for our last trip of the year. The trip linked to our science learning and we took part in an amazing workshop all about how our body works. It was really funny and interesting. We got to explore all the different galleries in the museum and even had a picnic outside. It was a wonderufl day out!

Thursday 4th July 2019 - Blackpool Zoo, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 5th Jul 2019 @ 4:40pm

We had an amazing time at Blackpool Zoo! The children really enjoyed seeing the animals and were able to learn some facts about them. Well done Year 2 for your brilliant attitude and behaviour. 

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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