In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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Gymnastics!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 29th Sep 2020 @ 12:44pm

In Year 2, we have been learning how we can use our bodies to make different positions. This week we focused on using our body weight to create high positions with our legs. The children are becoming more familiar with the different ways we can use our bodies and the apparatus in gymnastics. Well done Year 2!

Year 6 McMillian Cancer Support - September 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 4:53pm

Today, we collected for McMillian Cancer Support, the children were very generous with bringing in their £1 donations to raise money for such a good course. The children also wrote and said prayers and created posters thinking about the wonderful work McMillan do.

Year 6 Gym - September 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 22nd Sep 2020 @ 10:06am

Year 6 are really enjoying their gym topic this half term, the children are focussing on balances through the use of mirroring and contrasting. 

Number Bonds Chant, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 4:30pm

In maths, we learnt a catchy chant to help us to remember our number bonds. Can you remember all the number bonds to ten? 

We are weather reporters!, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 21st Sep 2020 @ 4:20pm

In geogrpahy, we have been pretending to be weather reporters. We wrote down our weather report and read this out as if we were live on television. Amazing work Year 2! 

Being Palaeontologists! - September 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:15pm

In Science this week, we imagined that we were palaeontologists. Using cookies and toothpicks we excavated the chocolate chips from the cookies.

Year 6 - HAKA - September 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:02pm

Year 6 have really enjoyed their new dance topic of learning the HAKA. They have been putting their all into learning the moves and adding anger facial expressions. 

Year 6 Worship - September 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 11th Sep 2020 @ 12:49pm

For our class worship on Wedesday, we looked at 'Firm Foundations - House on the Rock' , here we shared the Bible story Matthew 7: 24-27. We looked at how the wise man had built his house using the correct foundations and thought about how we could mirror this in our lives and throughout Year 6. 

1K World Book Day Workshop - March 2020, by Miss Kyte

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:34pm

We really enjoyed our workshop with Westend in Schools Theatre Company. We took part in a workshop all about 'The Enormous Crocodile' and perfomed a dance to match the story. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to doing work on this book. 

Year 1's duckling visit, by Miss Kyte

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 2:21pm

Now that the ducklings have all hatched, we had a lovely afternoon visiting the new arrivals! We sat in a circle so that non of them could escape and watched them walking around, exploring and going for a swim. We each got to stroke the ducklings and thought about what names we would like to call each of them :)

6M Pupil Led Worship - March 2020, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 19th Mar 2020 @ 11:57am

Pupils in 6M led worship, which focussed on the Christian value of 'Justice'....

Linking Project St Joseph's visit 4J - March 20, by Mr Jolly

Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 5:09pm

Today (Wednesday 11th March), 4J met up with their linking project partner school - St Joseph's (Heywood).

St Jospeh's arrived promptly at 10am ready for a day of action, fun, learning and working together. Both classes started in the hall with some circle games. First up was cross the circle if...; a game played to mix the children up as they had congreagted with their school rather than mixing with each other. Next up was a game of 1,2,3 which starts off easy and gets progressively harder and more thought provoking but gets the children communcciating face to face with each other. After this, the children split into 4 teams and had to hold hands and get a hoop round it without breaking the circle (see the videos). This involved lots of key skills: cooperative, collaboration, communication, planning and team work amongst. The final activity in the hall was again in teams and again used all of these skills. Each team had to get from one end of the hall to the other without touching the floor. To do this, they each had two mats but only three people could be on a mat at any one time. Unfortunantely, the children were unable to complete this activity.

After a quick run around outside, the children split into two classrooms where they completed me and you drawings (see images). In the afternoon, in their pairs the children picked out a conversation starter from the jar and had to discuss whether they liked or disliked it. From this, they made a poster from each one and then put them together in a video called Great Together.

Overall, it was a fantastic day, where the children worked together and were behaved impeccably. 

4J Class Collective Worship - March 20, by Mr Jolly

Date: 12th Mar 2020 @ 4:59pm

Linking Network- March 2020, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 11th Mar 2020 @ 5:13pm

Today we had our second meeting with St. Joseph’s RC school in Heywood. 4C visited St. Joseph’s  school and met all our friends again.We had a brilliant day! 

5N discovering how forces work - March 2020, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 10:28pm

We have started our new topic in Science which is focusing on forces. On Friday, 5N went on to the playground and worked in groups to show different forces in action. 

Year 5's trip to Jodrell Bank - March 2020, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 4:30pm

Year 5 have had a fantastic time at Jodrell Bank today. In the first workshop, the children took part in a range of experiments including identifying rocks, measuring sunlight and gravity. In the second workshop, they were tasked with working in a team to create a structure which would keep an egg from breaking when dropped from a height. Three teams managed to keep their egg intact! Here are some pictures of our day.

Year 1 Collective Worship - March 2020, by Miss Seasman

Date: 9th Mar 2020 @ 2:07pm

We have just introduced our new Christian value 'Justice' and had a wonderful assembly all about the bible story, The Unjust Judge. We talked about the importance of being fair and treating others how we woud like to be treated. We really enjoy our discussions and coming together as a year group. To finish our assembly we practised our Easter hymns! 

6M Book Week Workshop, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 5:30pm

6M were lucky enough to have a visit from a theatre company called 'Westend in Schools'. The company delivered a workshop that was based on telling a story through dance. The story we were given was 'Where the Wild Things Are'. 

Ancient Greek Learning Log Projects - February 2020, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 5:23pm

Pupils in 6M enjoyed carrying out extra research at home to enhance their learning about Ancient Greece. Here they are showing their projects to the rest of the class...

1S World Book Day Workshop - March 2020, by Miss Seasman

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 4:30pm

We really enjoyed our workshop with Westend in Schools Theatre Company. We took part in a workshop all about 'The Enormous Crocodile' and perfomed a dance to match the story. We had lots of fun and are looking forward to doing my work on this book. 

Bridgewater Hall Tuesday 3rd March 2020, by Mrs Gill

Date: 6th Mar 2020 @ 4:00pm

What an amazing morning the children had when the went to Bridgewater Hall to see the Halle Orchestra perform. The children were mesmerised by the performances.

Busy Week-March 2020, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:18pm

Wow what a busy week 4C have had! On Tuesday we had a dance workshop. On Wednesday we went to Toad Lane Pioneers museum the site of the first ever Co-op buliding. Today has been World Book Day. We have concentrated our learning on the BFG by Roald Dahl. All the teachers dressed up as characters from the book and all our activities were based around it. We have been inventing our own characters and even creating our own words! A great week so far and it's only Thursday.

4J’s World Book Week Drama , by Mr Jolly

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 2:09pm

On Wednesday 4th March, 4J had the opporutnity to work with the a fantastic theatre company called 'Westend in Schools'. The company delivered a workshop that was based on the story 'Where the Wild Things are'. 

As you can see in the pictures, the children played some warm up games followed by a quick look at the book. They then split into 3 groups to learn their part of the story for the drama. Next, everyone came back together to learn the second half of the drama piece. Finally, as you can see in the video, 4J performed the whole piece all together in one take. 

World Book Day - March 2020, by Mr Wood

Date: 5th Mar 2020 @ 12:55pm

We all had a great time on World Book Day! Please click below to see all our costumes, even the teachers dressed up!


6H - Class worship - March 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 4th Mar 2020 @ 12:56pm

6H delivered worship this morning, they introduced our new Christian value of 'justice' and share the Bible story of the righteous judge. We looked at how Jesus used justice within this year and discussed how and what we could learn from this teaching. 

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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