In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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Understanding the World WB 25th January, by Miss Kelly

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:35pm

This week we have been looking at floating and sinking, your task was to experiment which items in your house would sink and which would float. Have a look at some of the photos!

Our Literacy Task WB 25th January, by Miss Kelly

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:28pm

This week we have been learning a new story: The Little Red Hen. In the story the Little Red Hen makes some bread, but her friends were not very kind and did not help! This week, our task was to help our grown ups make our lunch/dinner and write a list or sentence about what we used and what we did, have a look at the photos of our amazing work!

Nursery Home Learning - Week 4, by Miss Milburn

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 4:35pm

Look at all the wonderful learning we have been doing at home this week, we are having lots of fun!

Understanding the World: FLOAT OR SINK?, by Miss Milburn

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 11:17am

We conducted an experiment to learn about the concept of floating or sinking. 

Look at our fabulous work attached below!

Home Learning: The Reception Children made SHOPS!, by Miss Milburn

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 12:24pm

Our home learning has been going so well and we are incredibly proud of the children, we are also very grateful to the parents who have dedicated so much time into helping their children learn.

In Maths (Shape, Space and Measure) we have been learning all about MONEY!

Our home learning task was to create our own shops - we were AMAZED at the shops we recieved!

WOW - keep up the hard work!

Nursery Home Learning - Week 3, by Miss Milburn

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 1:17pm

Wow we are working so hard, learning at home!

Reception's Home Learning WB 18th January, by Miss Kelly

Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 3:35pm

What an amazing week we have had learning at home! I am so impressed with how hard all of the children are working, they really are AMAZING!

This week in maths we have been learning all about money, the children were set the task of creating their own shop and selling items to their fmailies; have a look at the photos to see their fabulous work!

Nursery's Fantastic Home Learning, by Miss Milburn

Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 6:48pm

We have had a very busy week learning at home.  We have made musical instruments, healthy snacks, practised writing our names and much, much more.  

Reception's Fantastic Home learning, by Miss Milburn

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 12:26pm

We are so impressed with the children in Reception, they have contributed some great work already! Well done Reception.


w/b. 11.01.21 - Story: The Gingerbread Man

We conducted an experiment during our LIVE lesson on Wednesday, we pu the Gingerbread Man in hot water and in cold water. We had to predict what we thought would happen and then write up our results after.

The children then went and conducted their own experiments in their houses - they used bread, biscuits, crackers and even chocolate!! 

Creative task: The children had to also create their own bridge for the Gingerbread Man to use, we thought this would stop him being eaten by the hungry Fox.

Year 6 Advent Wreaths - December 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 5:00pm

Year 6 created their own Advent Wreaths. 

The children thought about the colours of advent:

  • Purple, symbolizing repentance and fasting. Purple is also the colour of royalty and the sovereignty of Christ, demonstrating anticipation of and reception of the coming King.
  • Pink, or rose represents joy or rejoicing and reveals a shift in the season away from repentance and toward celebration.
  • White is the colour of Advent representing purity and light. Christ is the sinless, spotless, pure Saviour. He is the light come into a dark and dying world.

Outdoor Learning in the EYFS!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 26th Nov 2020 @ 11:11am

This term we have all been enjoying our outdoor area. The children are enjoying our outdoor provision, getting involved with activities such as den building, mud painting and making meals in our texture kitchen. The teachers are extremely pleased to see the children applying their maths and literacy skills outdoors. Keep it up! 

We have some very exciting activities planned in the outdoors leading up the Christmas, watch this space! 

We are photographers!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 4:55pm

Mrs Freeman has been amazed by the children's photography skills this week in computing! The children have been looking at what makes a quality photograph. We have discussed taking photographs at different angles, such as 'birds eye view' and had a go at doing this ourselves. 

This week we decided to photograph our amazing school grounds. We chose the three categories of;

  • buildings
  • nature
  • play equipment

Have a look at our photographs!

Dancing like Bubbles!, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 4:08pm

Year 2 have been dancing again!

This half term we are learning how to perform a 'bubble dance'. We have watched the way in which bubbles move and we are beginning to float around the room and move in this way. This week our focus word was 'connecting'. We worked in pairs and groups to use our bodies to connect in different ways. We connected using our elbows, knees, backs and many other ways. Some of the children started to put their ideas into a dance routine. We are looking forward to us all being able to do this! Watch this space!

Peace and Spirituality - Class 2F, by Mrs Freeman

Date: 24th Nov 2020 @ 4:03pm

This term Year 2 have been learning about Christian values and how these can help us in our daily lives. We spent some time discussing the value 'peace' and what this means. We explored our school grounds looking for places that we felt peaceful in and that we could call 'spiritual'. The children have produced some lovely work.

Virtual Linking Network visit to M6 - November 20, by Mr Jolly

Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 4:13pm

Today, 4J completed their first linking experience with St Joseph's. We had a great time working with Caorline from M6. We did some call and reponse, made up some sign language greetings and fianlly created a class poem about what we wanted to tell Class 9.

6H Science - November 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 11:21am

In science, the children are looking at light, today we investigated how light travelled and used a light source and pipe cleaners to demonstrate how we see.

Year 6 - Testing materials - November 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 9:38am

In D.T, Year 6 are focusing on shelters with the end goal of designing and creating their own. In order to do this, the children tested a wide range of materials so they would be able to build a shelter that is:

  • Durable
  • Windproof
  • Waterproof

6H Class Collective Worship, by Miss Hulse

Date: 11th Nov 2020 @ 9:31am

6H led the Year 6 worship this morning, we looked at Jonah and the whale and discussed how we could mirror the teachings in our lives today. 

Class Collective Worship - 3H 04.11.2020, by Miss Healey

Date: 4th Nov 2020 @ 9:26am

Year 6 - Shadows - November 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 3rd Nov 2020 @ 4:28pm

Year 6 carried out two investigations today. 

We looked at ...

  • Does light travel in straight or curved lines?
  • What causes a shadow to form?

Our Harvest Donation - Year 3 23.10.2020, by Miss Healey

Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 12:06pm

We have donated lots of yummy food to the food bank this year. We are very proud of ourselves for using this half term's Christian value of generosity!

Year 6 - Why do Christians sing in worship? October 2020, by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Oct 2020 @ 11:56am

Yesterday, the children used the percussion instruments to create music that reflected verses from Psalms.
We looked at:

  • Psalm 92:1-3
  • Psalm 95:1-2
  • Psalm 96:103
  • Psalm 98
  • Psalm 100

4J Zooms Boston, by Mr Jolly

Date: 20th Oct 2020 @ 5:21pm

Year 6 clay models - October 2020, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 8:17am

This week, Year 6 have been creating 3D models out of clay which convey movement. This was the final task in our art topic of moving figures. 

Year 6 Worship - September 2020, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 9:45am

This morning, Year 6 led the class worship which was based on Faith. We learnt about the story of Esther, and how it is important to have faith in God.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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