In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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Year 6 Macmillan Coffee Morning - September 2021, by Miss Hulse

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 4:42pm

Year 6 had a fantastic time at the Macmillan Coffee Morning. We shared juice, biscuits and some wonderful dance moves!

Special Friends - September 2021, by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Sep 2021 @ 8:00am

Year 6 had a fantastic time getting to know their special friend from reception. The Year 6 children will be spending time each week helping their special friend in the reception setting. They cannot wait! 

Harvesting our Runner Beans and Potatoes, by Miss Kelly

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 4:06pm

This week we enjoyed harvesting the potatoes and runner beans that have been growing in our outdoor area. We have loved watering them each day and watching them grow! 

Take a look at the photos of the children digging the potatoes and picking the runner beans, we cannot believe how big they have grown! After we had harvested the vegetables we had to wash them and leave them to dry, they were then placed into bags and sold on the yard to our parents. 

We cannot wait to plant some more vegetables!

Year 6 Science - September 2021, by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 5:04pm

Year 6 had a fantastic time finding out what it would be like to be a palaeontologist. The children used toothpicks to carefully excavate the chocolate chips out of a cookie.

6H - Class Collective Worship - September 2021, by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 5:00pm

This morning, 6H did a fantastic job performing their Class Collective Worship to the rest of the school and parents. The children delivered their assembly on good attitudes and new beginnings. They thanked God for their new beginning in Year 6.

Catalyst 4C - September 2021, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 4:31pm

So today we went on our first trip for nearly two years! It has been fantastic to take children out of school again to experience things that we are not able to provide at school. All the children were super well behaved. I am very proud of them all. 

Catalyst Science Museum, by Mr Jolly

Date: 16th Sep 2021 @ 2:41pm

Today, 16/9/21, Year 4 visited the Catalyst Science Musemum in Widnes. 

In the morning, we attended the first of two work shops; it was on fair testing and working scientifically. We explored what a scientist looked like and what they do - work safely, oberserve, mkae predictions and then test fair, chaning only one small thing.

Before lunch, we had the opprutninty to explore the rest of the mseum and we really enjoyed the interaction elements on the ground floor. Here we could pretend to be a weather reporter using a green screen and an auto cue, catch cloths from a vaccum and find out which parts of the body were the warmest using a heat map.

After lunch, we had the second workshop which was called glorious gases. Here we used the knoweldge we had learnt last week in Science to sort items into solids, liquids and gases. After this, we made a rainbow using air pressure, made a fire entiguisher using bicabinate of soda and vinegar and finally made a vacuum and observed an even bigger one. 

What a busy last week!-July-2021, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 1:09pm

We have had a super last week in Year 4 and 4C have been busy doing outdoor maths trails,Tudor Cooking ( and a bit of dancing) and a mini sports day. 

4C 2020-21 have been truly amazing resilient and hardworking. Thank you so much for such a great Year 4 and good luck in Year 5.

Love From

Mrs cavill

Y4 Sports Day, by Mr Jolly

Date: 16th Jul 2021 @ 10:20am

4J and 4C competed in a Year 4 Sports Day. They were split into 6 groups to go round a carousel of events: sprinting, ball and spoon, skipping, javelin, long jump and an obstacle course.

In each group, there were a mixture of children from the 4 houses (St Andrews, St David, St Georges and St Patricks). They all competed for points  with 4 points avoided for 1st, 3 for 2nd, 2 for 3rd and 1 for 4th. 

Maths Hunt in 4J - July 21, by Mr Jolly

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 12:21pm

Today, Year 4 completed a problem solving treasure hunt around the Woodland Walk. 

St Peter's Day in Y4 - June 21, by Mr Jolly

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 12:09pm

Own Clothes fun and Ice Cream!!!!

Wow a whole week has disappeared since St. Peter's Day. What a great day we had.  We started the day with a lovely assembly on Zoom with Mrs. Parr. We then devoured a gorgeous ice cream with sherbet, ( most of us had sherbet) and we had so much fun watching Dazzling Darren -he was so funny and VERY clever. Have a look at our photographs and  see if you can spot Year 4's very own St. Peter's Day birthday boy!

St .Peter's Day- 29th July 2021, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 7th Jul 2021 @ 9:54am

Own Clothes fun and Ice Cream!!!!

Wow a whole week has disappeared since St. Peter's Day. What a great day we had.  We started the day with a lovely assembly on Zoom with Mrs. Parr. We then devoured a gorgeous ice cream with sherbet, ( most of us had sherbet) and we had so much fun watching Dazzling Darren -he was so funny and VERY clever. Have a look at our photographs and  see if you can spot Year 4's very own St. Peter's Day birthday boy!

St. Peter's Day in Nursery 2021, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 30th Jun 2021 @ 4:16pm

We have had a fantastic time celebrating St. Peter's Day in Nursery.  We watched a magician and had a delicious ice-cream.  We learnt that St. Peter was a fisherman who was very important to Jesus.  We decorated rocks and used rocks to make pictures.  We also made and decorated crosses.  We had lots of fun!

PE in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 21st Jun 2021 @ 8:40am

We have been enjoying our PE sessions this term learning how to move in different ways on the apparatus.  We are getting very independent at changing ourselves ready for when we move to Reception. 


4J as News readers, by Mr Jolly

Date: 17th Jun 2021 @ 1:19pm

Today, 4J pretended they were news readers, reporting on the beheading of Henry XIII’s second wife, Anne Boleyn.

They maintained eye contact with the camera; used loud, clear voices; and spoke in a confident, formal manner.

View the excellent performances.

4C Go Gardening -June 2021, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 14th Jun 2021 @ 11:41am

About 4 weeks ago, the children planted some seeds, cabbage seed and sprout seeds. We have been watering the seeds regularly and keeping an eye on how they are growing. On Friday they were ready to plant out in the beds. To make sure the soil was ready we took out all the weeds and turned over the soil,removing any large stones and breaking up clumps of mud with our hoes, rakes and trowels. Our little green fingers worked so hard.We will now have to water them everday and watch them grow into sprouts and cabbages we can have for dinner. Yum ! 

Planting Baby Carrots and Sunflowers in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 8th Jun 2021 @ 2:57pm

We have had great fun planting baby carrots and sunflowers in our new raised planter.  We can not wait to see when they start to grow. We are also having a competition to see who's will grow the biggest!  

Our Runner Beans and Potatoes, by Miss Kelly

Date: 7th Jun 2021 @ 4:37pm

A few weeks ago we enjoyed planting some seeds in our brand new planters! Today we were so excited to find that they have started to grow! We have learnt that it is very important to water them everyday to make sure they keep growing, one day we will be able to harvest them!

4C English-Mr. Stink, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 4:13pm

Recently, 4C have been studying the book 'Mr Stink' by David Walliams in which a girl, named Chloe Crumb in the main character. She doesn't get on with her mum or younger sister but has a great affinity to a homeless character called Mr Stink and a shopkeeper named Raj. On Friday 21st May, everyone in 4C wrote a diary entry for Chloe. They were highly entertaining and the writing was of a high standard. Today, Thursday 27th May, they read their diary entries aloud to the rest of the class.

The Butterflies in Nursery!, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 3:46pm

Our topic this half term has been 'In the Garden'. One of the stories that we looked at was 'The Hungry Caterpillar'.  We took delivery of our very own caterpillars and had to look after them.  We fed them special caterpillar food and lots of different fruits.  They got very fat and then they changed into a cocoon.  We then waited until they became butterflies and released them into our new butterfly garden. 

Reading aloud a diary entry., by Mr Jolly

Date: 27th May 2021 @ 1:42pm

Recently 4J have been studying the book 'Mr Stink' by David Walliams in which a girl, named Chloe Crumb in the main character. She doesn't get on with her mum or younger sister but has a great affinity to a homeless character called Mr Stink and a shopkeeper named Raj. On Friday 21st May, everyone in 4J wrote a diary entry for Chloe. They were highly entertaining and the writing was of a high standard. Today, Thursday 27th May, they read their diary entries aloud to the rest of the class.

Planting Cabbages and Sprouts, by Mr Jolly

Date: 12th May 2021 @ 2:13pm

On Thursday 6th May, 4J went to the our new allotment. There was a large table for us to work around and a covered area so that the seeds we plant are protected until they grow strong enough to put in the raised bed area. We planted cabbage seeds and sprout seeds at the table using compost and the watering can. We now have to keep them watered for six weeks after that we can go and replant them in the outside soil. We had lots of fun.

4C Go Planting, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 5:12pm

On Thursday 6th May, 4 C went to the  

Reception's EARTH DAY Celebrations, by Miss Milburn

Date: 29th Apr 2021 @ 4:46pm

In Reception we created a Earth using our hand print, we then wrote what we could do to help our Earth. This linked very closely to our Geography focus last half term on Pollution in the sea (Under the Sea Topic). 

We also did some Transient Art in our Beautiful outdoor area - we created mini-beats, this is in line with our current topic of

Nursery Earth Day 2021, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 26th Apr 2021 @ 4:23pm

In Nursery we have been learning about our Earth and how to look after it.  We learnt that the green areas on our earth are land, the blue areas are water and the white areas are snow.  We rolled balls in paint and created our own earths. We also thought about how we need to look after our earth, we helped to clean it and went on a litter pick and swept up all the rubbish and put it in the bin! We enjoyed learning all about the earth that we live on.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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