In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Year 1CW: Gallery

Smithills Farm Year 1 March 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 1st Apr 2019 @ 2:15pm

We had the best day out at Smithills farm last week. The trip linked to our science and geograpy topics and we learnt lots of new facts about a variety of animals. We started the day with a donkey ride before feeding sheep, chickens, goats and llamas. We then had a bumpy ride on a tractor up to the top of the field and fed the donkeys. After lunch we attended an informative talk about where milk comes from and witnessed the exciting process of milking. We finished the day in pets corner and got to meet lots of baby animals. It was a fantastic day out!

Whole School Worship with Reverend Watkinson- March 2019, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 11th Mar 2019 @ 4:39pm

Christmas Church Service - December 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 3rd Dec 2018 @ 3:55pm

We did and learnt lots of things in church:

  • Listening to prayers;
  • Singing hymns;
  • Prayers for Christmas around the theme of Jesus bringing light and hope;
  • Listening to Bible stories; and
  • Watching a Bible story video.

Science and Industry Museum - November 2018, by Miss Seasman

Date: 5th Nov 2018 @ 1:35pm

On Thursday 1st November we had a fantastic day out at the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester. We explored the Museum and had an exciting workshop called 'Little Inventors Wanted'. In the workshop we examined lots of different materials to use for a bike. We all had an amazing time and year 1 showed outstanding behaviour! 

KS1 Sports Day , by Mrs Fletcher

Date: 13th Jul 2018 @ 9:47am

We had lots of fun at our KS1 Sports Day. 

Multi - faith week , by Miss Hulse

Date: 29th Jun 2018 @ 3:05pm

The whole school presented their learning all about the Sikh religion. 

Eureka!, by Miss Seasman

Date: 25th Jun 2018 @ 1:53pm

Year 1 had a wonderful trip to Eureka museum last week. We loved exploring all the different areas and learning lots of scientific facts about our bodies in the 'All About Me' area. We had lots of fun in the 'Living and Working Together' area and learning about the world around us. 

Well done Year 1 for your fantastic behaviour and representing our school so well! 

Church visit 21.05.2018, by Mrs Gill

Date: 21st May 2018 @ 3:41pm

Today the children went to church to learn about Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.


Date: 29th Mar 2018 @ 4:15pm

Church, by Miss Hulse

Date: 26th Mar 2018 @ 4:38pm

Our church service this morning focusing on the Easter Story 

Church, by Miss Hulse

Date: 5th Feb 2018 @ 11:36am

We really enjoyed our trip to church this morning. 

Canal and River Safety, by Miss Mortimer

Date: 31st Jan 2018 @ 9:21am

Last week Key Stage 1 had a special assembly all about how to be safe near canals and rivers.

We learnt all about the dangers near water, how to stay safe and how to help somebody who is in trouble.

KS1 Christmas Production, by Miss Seasman

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 1:40pm

We hope you all enjoyed our Christmas concert, 'Christmas with the Aliens!'. We really enjoyed performing it.

Attendance Assembly , by Miss Hulse

Date: 20th Dec 2017 @ 12:58pm

Amazing attendance assembly, with 148 children receiving prizes for 100% attendance. 

Clitheroe Castle, by Miss Seasman

Date: 30th Oct 2017 @ 2:07pm

Year 1 had a fabulous trip to Clitheroe Castle. They did lots of exciting activies and learnt lots of fun facts about Castles, Keeps, Myths and Legends. 


Well done Year 1 for represting St Peter's wonderfully with your outstanding behaviour! 

Year 1 and 4 Harvest Service , by Mr Jolly

Date: 12th Oct 2017 @ 8:32am

Farm Visit , by Miss Kyte

Date: 8th May 2017 @ 1:27pm

We visited Cannon Hall Farm to learn more about where our food comes from. We had a tour around the farm and looked at all the different types of animals. We fed the animals and petted some of them. We then had time to play in the adventure playground! 

Bean Plants, by Miss Kyte

Date: 7th Mar 2017 @ 10:31pm

In year 1 we have been growing our own beanplants. We have planted them, kept them in the sunlight and have been watering them everyday. We hope that they all grow very tall! 

David Mason , by Miss Kyte

Date: 7th Mar 2017 @ 10:15pm

We really enjoyed listening to David Mason's poetry reading! smiley

Library Visit , by Miss Kyte

Date: 5th Dec 2016 @ 8:22pm

We visited Balderstone Library to see all the wonderful books they have there. We listened to stories and then looked at and read the books ourselves. 

1K Class Assembly , by Miss Kyte

Date: 21st Oct 2016 @ 9:15am

Our class assembly was all about seasons. Take a look  at some of the pictures and videos we took.

Autumn leaf collecting , by Miss Kyte

Date: 17th Oct 2016 @ 10:20pm

We have been looking at the four different seasons in our geography lessons. We decided to go on the woodland walk to look at how the leaves have started falling off the trees now that we are in the autumn season. We noticed how the leaves are changing from green to brown, red and orange! 

Judaism with Jeremy , by Miss Kyte

Date: 25th Sep 2016 @ 2:40pm

Jeremy visited the school and our class to tell us all about Judaism.

Year 1 Football Tournament, by Miss Crabtree

Date: 26th May 2016 @ 12:15pm

The children had a brilliant time playing in a football tournament at Spotland Stadium.  The children won 2 games out of 4.  We are very proud of them. 

Year 1 visit from Mr Watkinson, by Miss Mortimer

Date: 23rd May 2016 @ 4:45pm

Year 1 have been learning about followers of Jesus this half term. As part of this we invited Mr Watkinson, the vicar from St Peter's Church, in to class to answer some of the children's questions about following Jesus. The children asked some great questions and were very interested in Mr Watkinson's life following Jesus.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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