In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Our Gallery

Clitheroe Castle , by Miss Kyte

Date: 5th Dec 2016 @ 7:13pm

We went on a trip to Clitheroe Castle and learnt lots of interesting facts! We looked around the keep of the castle, made armour for our eggs (called Sir Eggbert), and practised our sword skills. We also llistened to exciting and scary stories about dragons! 

Year 3 Science Trip to MOSI, by Miss Ball

Date: 30th Nov 2016 @ 4:03pm

The ice cream shop in Reception, by Miss Marney

Date: 29th Nov 2016 @ 11:42am

Reception were learning about money in Maths. They had to recognise the coins 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p and 20p. If they could recognise the coin they were holding, then they could buy an ice cream from the Reception ice cream shop. The children had a choice of ice creams, toppings and sauces. This was a successful lesson as the children were all able to recognise the coin they had. They could then enjoy their ice cream. Yum yum!

Investigating Nets of 3D Shapes in Year 6, by Mr Wood

Date: 29th Nov 2016 @ 10:46am

Have a look at pictures of us investigating how many nets we can make for varying 3D shapes.

6H Highwayman Poetry Recital, by Miss Hulse

Date: 28th Nov 2016 @ 5:29pm

Here are our videos performing the Highwayman.

The Highwayman Poetry Recital, by Mr Wood

Date: 28th Nov 2016 @ 12:36pm

Here are our performances of The Highwayman.

The Big Tidy, by Mr Wood

Date: 28th Nov 2016 @ 8:49am

Year 6 went down to the canal to pick up litter!

Working Scientifically, by Mr Jolly

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 10:01am

5J have been looking at how the naturalists, in particualr David Atinborough, work. We learnt about what they do and how they go about their work. We then spent the afternoon pretending to be naturalist studying: lions, polar bears, frogs, sharks, gorillas and snakes. Finally 5J presented their work to the rest of a class, just as David Attinborough would in his TV documentaries.  

5J Maya Workshop at Touchstones 17/11, by Mr Jolly

Date: 25th Nov 2016 @ 9:43am

5J thoroughly enjoyed the trip.  They learnt about the Maya houses for different classes of people and then made replica houses out of Lego. They also learnt about Maya food, smelling different spices from the region.  They then explored what Maya Gods looked like, with the follow up activity involving sketching and clay modelling of a face.

Year 6 Trip to the Imperial War Museum on 11/11/16, by Mr Wood

Date: 17th Nov 2016 @ 2:43pm

Year 6 visited Imperial War Museum North on Armistice Day (11/11/16). We met a war veteran there who told us of his experieces of the D-Day Landings.

Have a look at our pictures...

Porridge tasting in Reception, by Miss Marney

Date: 17th Nov 2016 @ 10:43am

This week in Reception we have been reading the story of, 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. The children had some porridge to taste and they could choose their own topping. The toppings included jam, banana, golden syrup, raisins and chocolate sauce. The chocolate sauce was the most popular!! We talked about how the three bear's porridge was too hot, too cold and just right. The children were also developing their speaking and listening skills by saying what they thought of the porridge and listening to what others thought. Our porridge was just right. 


Date: 14th Nov 2016 @ 11:58am

On Friday 4th November Nursery and Reception had our own fireworks to celebrate Bonfire Night. Miss Crabtree and Miss Marney lit the fireworks and we all watched them.  afterwards we enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate to warm us up!


Date: 14th Nov 2016 @ 11:48am

On the 3rd November we had a visit from a lady who brought her special friend in. She told us all about how to look after our teeth, making sure we brush them twice a day and eat the right foods to keep our teeth strong and healthy. We even got our own toothbrush and toothpaste!

Earthquakes Hit Year 4!, by Mr Murray

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 3:31pm

Dear all,

Please see our images to see how we started off our Geography work. The topic is does the earth shake,rattle and roll? In order to gain some understanding we built small shelter/house replicas out of cocktail sticks and sweets. Then we tested these on a bed of jelly to see which shapes worked the best. An "earthquake" hit the classroom in order to see the reaction of the children to the devastation caused. 

Please see our photograps and we hope you enjoy them as mucuh as we enjoyed doing it!

Mr Murray

Remembrance Day 2016, by Mr Whelan

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 11:43am


On 11th November at 11am we held a Remembrance Assembly so we could remember all those who have died, especially in wars. The Year 6 children had made poppy wreaths and we all listened to some poems, prayed and had a two minute silence.


We were very lucky to have Mr Murray lead our 2 minute silence by playing the 'Last Post' on the cornet. The "Last Post" is a cavalry trumpet call used in military funerals and ceremonies commemorating those who have been killed in war. He then finished the two minute silence by playing 'Reveille'. The two tunes symbolise sunset and sunrise respectively, and therefore, death and resurrection. Thank you Mr Murray!


DT - Moving Pictures, by Miss Seasman

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 9:55am

In Design and Technology we have been making moving pictures. We have based our moving pictures on fairy tales and had lots of fun watching our pictures moves.

Woodland Walk, Collecting Autumn leaves, by Miss Seasman

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 9:41am

In geography we have been learning about Seasons, we went on the Woodland Walk to see how leaves change colour from green to red, orange and brown in Autumn. We had lots of fun!

3B - English, by Miss Ball

Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 8:02am

We have been role-playing as Cleopatra as part of our English work! Now we have stepped into the character of Cleopatra, we will be writing an interview with her!

Library time: 3N November 2016, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 8th Nov 2016 @ 1:03pm

Library Time

We enjoy going to the library every Tuesday to be able to choose a book and use the Kindles!


Bonfire celebrations in Reception, by Miss Marney

Date: 7th Nov 2016 @ 2:53pm

Last week we celebrated Bonfire night in Reception by having fireworks, making chocolate apples and drinking hot chocolate. The children had lots of fun watching the fireworks and saw all the different colours and heard the noises. We then went inside and ate the chocolate apples we had made and had some yummy hot chocolate. We had a great time!

Reception Gardening Club Fun, by Miss Crabtree

Date: 31st Oct 2016 @ 2:07pm

The children in gardening club had lots of fun carving pumpkins. The teachers cut the tops off and the children had to scoop the pumpkin seeds out using spoons.  We then cut faces in the pumpkins and put tea lights in them.  They looked really spooky.  

Year 2 visit to Manchester Airport Viewing Park , by Mrs Gill

Date: 21st Oct 2016 @ 3:15pm

We had an amazing day at the Manchester Airport Viewing Park.  We learnt about all the diffferent types of aeroplanes  that arrive and take off from the airport. Also  we learnt about the different jobs too. We even saw the fantastic  Concorde ( but we weren't allowed  to go inside).  The highlight was watching the Airbus A380 land and take off. 

1K Class Assembly , by Miss Kyte

Date: 21st Oct 2016 @ 9:15am

Our class assembly was all about seasons. Take a look  at some of the pictures and videos we took.

Year 2 trip to Manchester Airport, by Miss Mortimer

Date: 20th Oct 2016 @ 4:16pm

We really enjoyed our trip to Manchester Airport Viewing Park! We learnt all about the different types of aeroplanes and the different jobs at the airport. We got to be pilots on the flight deck, saw Concorde, watched different aeroplanes on the runway and got to see the Airbus A380 land and take off.

Autumn leaf collecting , by Miss Kyte

Date: 17th Oct 2016 @ 10:20pm

We have been looking at the four different seasons in our geography lessons. We decided to go on the woodland walk to look at how the leaves have started falling off the trees now that we are in the autumn season. We noticed how the leaves are changing from green to brown, red and orange! 

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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