In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Our Gallery

Visit to Church, by Miss Marney

Date: 14th Feb 2017 @ 11:38am

Last week Reception and Nursery walked to Church for a celebration of our half term topic 'Courage'. The children listened to the Bible story of 'Daniel and the Lion'. They also took some prayers to go onto the prayer tree about how we can be brave. The children ended their visit to Church with their favourite song, 'Our God is a great big God.' Thank you to Vicar Stephen. 

English Performance work 07.02, by Miss Ball

Date: 13th Feb 2017 @ 4:58pm

In Year 3 we used dialogue to create a script based on our text, The Day I Swapped my Dad!

We then performed our scripts together and showed them to the rest of the class.

Year 3 English, by Mr Whelan

Date: 13th Feb 2017 @ 4:46pm

Recycling Debate, by Mr Wood

Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 5:31pm

We held a debate in class - encouraging people to recycle, reduce and reuse!

Nasreddin Hoca Tales, by Mr Wood

Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 5:29pm

Here we are reading our tales aloud with a focus on speaking and listening.

WW2 Projects, by Mr Wood

Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 5:26pm

Have a look at some of our projects...

Year 5 Pirate Science Week , by Mr Jolly

Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 5:14pm

During Science week Year 5 completed a number of challenges:

  • Pirate quiz workshop
  • Floatation challnge - can the children make their boat to float?
  • Making a scaled version of our Solar System on the playground -  distance apart 
  • Making a scaled version of our Solar System in the classroom -  size of the planets
  • Constellation making and discovering

Macavity Plays, by Mr Jolly

Date: 10th Feb 2017 @ 1:29pm

Year 6 - Interview with Mr Whelan , by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 4:55pm

We interviewed Mr Whelan all about The Eucharist! 

Spring 1 church visit. , by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 4:51pm

Davis and the lion's den. 

Year 6 - Greek projects , by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 4:49pm

Our Learning Log projects were all based on the Ancient Greeks.

The Greek Olympics! , by Miss Hulse

Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 4:46pm

Year 6 really ejoyed taking part in the Greek Olympics!

Class Assembly 4C -Rivers and Water., by Mrs Cavill

Date: 7th Feb 2017 @ 11:17am

4C had a great time last week telling everybody what we have been learning in Geography and Science. Thank you very much to those parents that attended it means a lot to the children. If you were unable to attend have a look at our photographs.


Superheroes in Reception, by Miss Marney

Date: 6th Feb 2017 @ 3:00pm

On Friday we had Superheroes take over in Reception!!! Batman, Spiderman, Supergirl and even the Hulk arrived plus lots more. The children had lots of fun playing the character of a superhero. We looked at super villians too and what super powers we could use to defeat them. We also wrote superhero ID cards and danced to some superhero theme songs. It was a fun superhero day!

Does the Sun move across the sky?, by Mr Jolly

Date: 2nd Feb 2017 @ 4:51pm

Mr Jolly went on holiday and he saw the sun move across the sky. He told Miss Mulkeen, she initially disagreed, but she was confused by what he had seen.

5J researched what actually happened and presented their findings back to the rest of the class. They then made a video to explain what Mr Jolly had seen.

Reciting poetry, by Mr Jolly

Date: 2nd Feb 2017 @ 4:34pm

Year 5 had to learn a verse of T S Eliot's ' The Old Gumbie Cat'. They did amazingly well to learn all of their lines.

Pirate Science, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 10:12pm

The Shipwrecked Pirate left us some boats to make. We had to attach the flag to the mast and the mast to the boat. This had to be done very carefully so that the boat didn't tip up when it entered the water.When the boasts were complete we had races using "wind power," or blowing. We discussed why certain boats might win. We also discussed whether the size of the mouth affected how much wind there was! We had lotsof fun whilst we learned some important things about forces.

"Shiver Me Timbers!" PIRATE SCIENCE., by Mrs Cavill

Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 9:59pm

Oh my Goodness! What a shock we had last week when a Pirate turned up during our Reward Assembly on Friday. His ship had been wrecked and he found himself in Rochdale. He asked a passerby where he could find some helpful scientists to help him rebuild his boat and get back on his way. She told him "St. Peter's Primary School is packed full of scientists!" and that's how he ended up in our school hall. Look at the photos of how we helped him.

SCIENCE WEEK, by Miss Mather

Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 1:51pm

During Science week, we looked at the Theme Pirate Science. In Nursery we investigated floating and sinking, making boats in a group and checking if they floated.

PHONICS, by Miss Mather

Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 1:41pm

Nursery children have been working really hard during phonics. We have been looking at the sounds s,a,t,p,i,n.


Date: 1st Feb 2017 @ 1:17pm

We had so much fun at our Christmas Party. . . . we even got a visit from Father Christmas!

Making the planets in our solar system-5M- spring 16/17, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 29th Jan 2017 @ 9:56pm

Science Week in Year 5- Spring 16/17, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 29th Jan 2017 @ 9:15pm

Performing our Writing and Play Scripts, by Mr Wood

Date: 27th Jan 2017 @ 4:59pm

Have a look at some of our pictures! We were pracrising our Speaking and Listening Skills!

Year 6 Art Gallery Trip! , by Miss Hulse

Date: 27th Jan 2017 @ 4:43pm

We have a great time visiting the art gallery! 

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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