In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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Year 5/6 St Peter's vs Deeplish - October 2018, by Miss Kyte

Date: 24th Oct 2018 @ 2:23pm

The year 5/6 St Peter's football team played in a friendly football match against Deeplish primary school. Deeplish played some fantastic football in the first half and were winning by 4-0. Luckily St Peter's came back fighting in the second half and managed to score 4 goals making the score 4-4. However, Deeplish upped their game once again claiming 2 goals back. The score ended 6-4 to Deeplish. All the children had a fantastic afternoon and myself and Mrs Baleem were extremely proud of the team.  

6H Fossil Projects - October 2018, by Miss Hulse

Date: 19th Oct 2018 @ 5:07pm

6H has really enjoyed creating their fossil projects at home and were really proud to share their work. 

Black History Month - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 4:34pm

For Black History Month Day, 4J looked at two people who have contributed a lot to the world which we live in. Firstly, we looked at Jesse Owens who was a famous American Olympian. He overcame racial prejudice both at home and abroad during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. Jesse Owens proved influential wrong by winning an incredible 4 gold medals including 3 world records in the space of 45 minutes. 4J then researched Sir Trevor McDonald's life and produced some super questions in his style. Finally, 4J acted out an interview between Sir Trevor and Jesse asking and answering questions in their styles. 

I am.. - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 2:49pm

4J thought about and then wrote about their own identity in readiness for meeting Class 9 at St Joseph's who are our linking partner school. They then look at Mark Beamont's version of I am who I am and used this as inspiration to write their own poem about who they are. 4J then chose their favourite line to create a class I am poem. We then performed this.



Church Visit - October 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 2:39pm

Yesterday, Year 4 and Afternoon nursery went to Church. We were very proud of the way the Year 4 took care of the younger children, keeping them safe and helping them in Church. Well done! Nursery children joined in beautifully with all the activities, singing and perfoming the actions. Year 4 were asked to perfom the actions to the seeds landing on 4 different soils from The Parable of the Sower. That should explain some of the photographs

3H Class Collective Worship - October 2018, by Miss Healey

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 10:19am

Church visit Y3 and Y2 - October 2018, by Miss Healey

Date: 18th Oct 2018 @ 9:45am

Harvest Church Visit - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 6:17pm

We did and learnt lots of things in church:

  • Listening to prayers;
  • Singing hymns;
  • Prayers for harvest;
  • Listening to Bible stories;
  • Watching a Bible story video; and 
  • Acting out a Bible story

6H Collective Worship - October 2018 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 1:45pm

6H lead worship this morning, they shared the story on Adam and Eve and the children discussed how we could use these messages in our own lives. 

Year 4 Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 17th Oct 2018 @ 12:02pm

Church - October 2018 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 16th Oct 2018 @ 2:13pm

Year 6 really enjoyed walking their Special Friend to church this morning ready for a service all about being the good soil. 

Year 3/4 Football Tournament - October 2018, by Miss Kyte

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 10:02pm

St Peters year 3/4 football team played in a local tournament that took place at Cardinal Langley secondary school. The children all played brilliantly and Talha's goal was the highlight of the day! Well done team keep up the hard work!

2K Class Assembly - October 2018 , by Miss Kyte

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 9:41pm

We focused on Jesus welcoming everyone for our class assembly. 

6H Global Neighbours Workshop - October 2018 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 5:28pm

6H had a really thoughtful workshop all about being Global Neighbours and thinking about what we could do to help those in need. 

Christian Aid Assembly - October 2018, by Mr Wood

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 1:09pm

Today, Alan Beedie came into school to deliver a whole school Collective Worship and taught us all about the concept that is found in the book - If the World Were a Village: A Book about the World's People. 

The concept was to imagine if the wolrd was filled with only 100 people and how - out of those people - we could visually understand the representation of how people are without food, electricity etc. We looked at the injustice of it and how we can make a difference.


Please see the photos below...



6M Global Neighbours Workshop - October 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 15th Oct 2018 @ 11:40am

Following an assembly led by Alan Beedie, Y6 took part in a workshop to raise awareness of how we can help people who are less fortunate than us. We discussed how we can change our behaviours in order to help others locally, nationally and globally.

Y6 Crucial Crew - October 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 12th Oct 2018 @ 10:09pm

Year 6 have learnt all about how to stay safe by listening advice from a number of professionals...

3G's Class Assembly - October 2018, by Mrs Gill

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 10:45pm

3G were amazing in their assembly on 4th October 2018. They talked about God's Special Messengers. Well done 3G you should  be proud of yourselves!

Class Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Gill

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 10:31pm

Collective Worship - October 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 4:45pm

Life Cycles- butterfly release - October 2018, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 4:18pm

We have been busy in Science over the past half term. It has been quite an exciting time watching the caterpillars completly transform into butterflies. We have enjoyed watching this process, and then finally realeasing the butterflies. 

5M's Collective Worship - October 2018, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 4:12pm

6M Pupil Led Worship - October 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 10th Oct 2018 @ 9:33am

Today, four children in 6M led worship in Year 6.

The theme was - Generosity 

6M Class Worship with Reverend Watkinson - October 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 2:09pm

Our vicar and governor, Stephen Watkinson led class worship all about complaining and grumbling...

6M Fossil Making - October 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 9th Oct 2018 @ 1:31pm

As part of our Science topic of 'Evolution and Inheritance', we designed and made our own fossils...

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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