In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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3G's Class Assembly 14.02.2019, by Mrs Gill

Date: 14th Feb 2019 @ 10:44am

3G's Assembly was about Jesus - The man who changed lives. The children talked about how Jesus through patience and belief  changed the lives of many people. 2 such people were Zacchaeus the Tax collector  of Jericho and Paul  a man who hated anyone who believed  in Jesus. 

This allowed the children to reflect on changes they could make in their daily lives. 

Well done 3G for an amazing assembly.  

Pupil led worship - February 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 13th Feb 2019 @ 3:50pm

6H led the year 6 worship this morning, focussing on how Jesus showed courage throughout the Last Super. 

Church - February 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 12th Feb 2019 @ 10:35am

Year 6 and Reception had a wonderful visit to church this morning, we looked at the value of courage and reflected upon how we can use this in our own lives. 

6M Pupil Led Worship February 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 7th Feb 2019 @ 6:23pm

Today, pupils led worship about the value of ‘courage’.

2K Class Collective Worship , by Miss Kyte

Date: 29th Jan 2019 @ 9:36am

In our Class Collective worship we looked at the story of the Blind Beggar. 

2K Collective Worship with Stephen, by Miss Kyte

Date: 29th Jan 2019 @ 9:31am

We greatly enjoyed our collective worship with Stephen and talked about courage and what this word means. We shared some of our own fears and how God can help us calm these fears. We then listened to a story about three men named Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. We listened to the story of how they would only worship their one true God. The King tried to burn them in a furnace but an angel and God saved the three men. We discussed the story and reflected on what this meant in terms of courage. We said a prayer and had a moment of reflection to end our collective worship. 

5M- Music to praise God- January 2019, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 4:02pm

Today we have created our own music or dance to praise God. We have been looking at inspiational women from the Old Testament. One of these women included Miriam who danced with joy and praised God when the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and were free. 

5M's Collective Worship- January 2019, by Miss Mulkeen

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 3:59pm

2W's Class Assembly - January 2019, by Miss Wilkinson

Date: 25th Jan 2019 @ 3:23pm

6H Collective Worship - January 2018 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 23rd Jan 2019 @ 4:20pm

6H carried out collective worship today with a focus on courage and retelling the story of David and Goliath. 

Bible Stories - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 22nd Jan 2019 @ 2:45pm

4C Bible Stories- January 2109, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 18th Jan 2019 @ 5:10pm

Today we learned some stories about how Jesus used the power, God gave him to help others. We made characters and props to retell the stories to our class, using the Japanese theatre box, the "Kamishibai."

Ancient Greek Workshop - Touchstones, by Miss Hulse

Date: 17th Jan 2019 @ 4:02pm

Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed the visit to Touchstones where they learned all about what life was like in Ancient Greece. We unlocked artefacts from the museum, pretended to be archaeologists to discover clues, wrote cards for our own children's museum and then made our own Greek coins using clay. This was a great start to our new topic in History.

4J Class Assembly - Identity - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 16th Jan 2019 @ 12:54pm

6M Pupil Led Worship - January 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 16th Jan 2019 @ 9:39am

Today, pupils led worship about our value of courage. They did this using the Bible story ‘Daniel in the Lion’s Den’.

6M Ancient Greek Workshop at Touchstones - January 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 15th Jan 2019 @ 10:51pm

Today, the children thoroughly enjoyed the visit to Touchstones where they learned all about what life was like in Ancient Greece. We unlocked artefacts from the museum, pretended to be archaeologists to discover clues, wrote cards for our own children's museum and then made our own Greek coins using clay. This was a great start to our new topic in History.

The Water Cycle - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jan 2019 @ 4:38pm

Water cycle - January 2019, by Mr Jolly

Date: 15th Jan 2019 @ 3:33pm

Year 6 Collective Worship - January 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 9th Jan 2019 @ 9:23am

6H led the Year 6 Collective Worship this morning, focussing on courage. We discussed how Noah showed courage and how we could use this in our own lives. 

YEAR 4 CHRISTMAS PARTY!!-December 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 21st Dec 2018 @ 4:16pm

What a SUPER party day!!!

Carol Service - December 2018, by Miss Hulse

Date: 21st Dec 2018 @ 9:14am

We had a fantastic carol service in school yesterday, thinking all about the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas Carol Service-December 2018, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 20th Dec 2018 @ 3:18pm

Today Year 4 and the rest of the school attended a carol service in the hall. We all got to sing our favourite Christmas carols. Many of the teachers told us the story of Jesus birth as it's told in the bible. Children from Key stage 1 took the parts of Mary, Joseph, the three Kings and the Shepherds. We learned the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of a very special  baby in a lowly stable.

Christingle - December 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 19th Dec 2018 @ 3:47pm

If the orange is the world

And the candle is the light

Then we know Jesus is with us

Every day and every night

If the sweets are the seasons

And gifts given by Him

Then we know to always thank God

To cheer and clap and sing

If the ribbon is Jesus’ blood

His love wrapped round us all

Then no one needs feel lonely

He'll catch us when we fall

This is the Christingle

A service full of fun

Raising money for little children

God loves us, every one.


6M Pupil Led Worship, December 2018, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 18th Dec 2018 @ 4:33pm

Children in 6M led worship around the value of compassion...

Bank of England Science Competition - December 2018, by Mr Jolly

Date: 14th Dec 2018 @ 12:45pm

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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