In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

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6H Collective Worship - December 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 4th Dec 2019 @ 11:08am

6H led worship this morning, with a focus on bullying and how we must trust in God to do the right thing. Even when this is difficult - he will show us the way. We ended the worship with a prayer and song. 

STEM day presentations - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 30th Nov 2019 @ 8:32am

Yesterday afternoon, all of the children at St Peter’s took part in a STEM day challenge. The children had to use all of their science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills to produce a working marble run. The degree of difficulty got progressively challenging throughout school years, starting with nursery creating a simple structure using Lego up to Year 6 introducing a pulley stystem. Once the marble runs were completed, each class held a vote to choose their most successful marble run, these were then sent to the hall ready to be judged. The winners were then selected from EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2, the winners then received their very own marble run. All of the children should be proud of their achievements, as they all worked extremely hard throughout the day!

6H STEM day! - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 30th Nov 2019 @ 8:10am

6H had a fantastic time yesterday creating their marble runs for STEM day. The children were able to use all their knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics to design, create and test their marble runs. All of the children managed to include a pulley system to ensure their marble run could begin all over again. The children should be really proud of all their hard work!

STEM Day! - November 2019, by Miss Seasman

Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 3:57pm

We had a fantastic day taking part in our STEM challenge. We used our Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics skills to create our very own marble run. We worked in teams and planned our designs before making them using a variety of resources. What a great day!

6M Pupil Led Worship - November 2019, by Mrs Molloy

Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 11:53am

A group of pupils planned and led worship all around the Christian vakue of 'trust'. Take a look at our photographs...

3H Class Assembly - God’s Presence, by Miss Healey

Date: 29th Nov 2019 @ 8:16am

Reception's Trip to the Farm, by Miss Kelly

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 3:40pm

What an amazing time we had at the farm!

We saw lots of animals: cows, sheep, pigs and donkeys! We had a donkey and tractor ride, and even fed the donkeys! We watched some cows being milked and learnt about how the milk gets form the farm to the supermarket. Some children enjoyed feeding the lambs and held some chicks.

The children had some much fun, and we are looking forward to our next trip!

Biscuit Making in Nursery, by Mrs Andrews

Date: 28th Nov 2019 @ 12:24pm

In Nursery this week we have been learning about shapes and patterns.  We made our own individual biscuits using different shaped cutters and then decorated them with our own patterns. 


1S Class Collective Worship - November 19 , by Miss Seasman

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 5:47pm

Stephen came in to deliver a class collective worship linking to our Christian Value this term of trust. We looked at the Bible story 'Jesus calming the storm' and discussed how the disciples had to trust that Jesus would help them. We then discussed who we trust in our lives and why trust is such an important part of who we are. 

4J Class Collective Worship - November 19, by Mr Jolly

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 4:22pm

1K Class Collective Worship , by Miss Kyte

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 2:09pm

Stephen came in to deliver a class collective worship linking to our Christian Value this term of trust. We looked at the Bible story 'Jesus calming the storm' and discussed how the disciples had to trust that Jesus would help them. We then discussed who we trust in our lives and why trust is such an important part of who we are. 

Year 3 trip to MOSI 22.11.2019, by Miss Healey

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 2:08pm

We had so much fun in our workshops and investigating in the experiment room. Take a look at our pictures

5N's Mayan workshop, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 12:53pm

This morning 5N had a fantastic time taking part in a Mayan workshop.  They learnt lots of facts, and were able to show off their acting skills. 

Trip to MOSI 22.11.2019, by Mrs Gill

Date: 25th Nov 2019 @ 11:29am

On Friday the children visited MOSI ( Museum of Science and Industry). They had an amazing time exploring the Museum  and taking part in the workshops. The children learned all about light and how it travels and the different kinds forces that we use all the time. The highlight of the day for everyone was when Mrs Green skydived  from 10,000 and made it back in one piece!

We all had a brilliant day. smiley

Year 6H - DT Shelters - November 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 10:32am

Yesterday, 6H worked well on starting their D.T shelters. The children were extremely sensible using all of the D.T equipment and were able to saw the wood to the correct side needed. A great start! 

Year 6 Music lessons - November 2019, by Miss Hulse

Date: 22nd Nov 2019 @ 10:16am

Yesterday, the Year 6 children had a wonderful music lesson with Mr Keeley, from Kingsway Park High school. The children had to keep a steady pulse to a piece of music by clapping and tapping their feet whilst singing. All of the children were thoroughly engaged and really enjoyed themselves. 

4J’s Class Assembly - Jesus the light of the World, by Mr Jolly

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:51pm

Earthquake proof buildings - November 19, by Mr Jolly

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:42pm

“Sound Sums”- November 2019, by Mrs Cavill

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 4:29pm

Last Friday Year 4 were treated to a trip to Manchester we visited the Stoller Hall, which is part of Chethams School of Music, and watched a concert called “Sound Sums.” The concert was really good and we even had to do some maths! Thank you to Miss Nutall for booking this trip for Year 4. 

5N's Hollingworth Lake trip - November 2019, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 21st Nov 2019 @ 12:49pm

Today, Year 5 went on a trip to Hollingworth Lake.  We took part in two activities, bird watching and learning all about plants and animals. Here are some pictures of our morning. 

Church Visit 18.11.2019 Remembrance , by Mrs Gill

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 3:14pm

6H Class Collective Worship - November 2019 , by Miss Hulse

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 12:54pm

6H delivered our Year 6 worship this morning, based on our Christian value of Trust. The children told shared a video and rad from the Bible, explaining the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17). The children discussed how David put his trust in God and that’s exactly what we should do. We ended the worship by singing a song all about Trust and a lovely prayer. 

5N's collective worship - November 2019, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 10:58am

5N led our collective worship this morning all about perservernace.  We learnt about the story of David and Goliath, and how David showed perserverance when fighting Goliath.  

Year 5's mental health workshop -November 2019, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 20th Nov 2019 @ 8:38am

Year 5 really enjoyed taking part in the mental health workshop with Amanda.  We looked at different ways to help our mental health including: having a positive mindset, meditation, our diet and how much time we have to sleep at night. 

Year 5's Mental Health ambassadors - November 2019, by Miss Nuttall

Date: 19th Nov 2019 @ 3:58pm

Today, Year 5 were given an exciting opportunity to work with Amanda who is an Athlete Mentor.  Five of the children from Year 5 were chosen to be Mental Health ambassadors.  They worked with Amanda this morning on ideas of how we can help our mental health.  

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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