Y6 Interview for WWII Topic Dec 2015
Lesson: History
Class: Year 6R Year: 2015 - 2016
On Tuesday 1st December, Y6 enjoyed interviewing Mrs Molloy's Auntie Audrey as part of their learning on WWII.
Here are some of the questions which they asked...
What was it like to be living during WWII?
How old were you when it started?
Were you evacuated?
Why did women not fight in the war?
Could you hear bombs?
Did you have a gas mask?
How did you feel when you found out about the war?
Was your dad or any other relatives in the war?
Did you hear the air raid siren? How did it feel?
Did you have a close friend that you lost?
Was you aware of what was going on at the time?
What was life like when it ended?
Were you hurt?
Was that a bad time in your life?