In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

Christmas Carol Service-December 2018

Lesson: Religious education

Class: Year 4R Year: 2018 - 2019

Today Year 4 and the rest of the school attended a carol service in the hall. We all got to sing our favourite Christmas carols. Many of the teachers told us the story of Jesus birth as it's told in the bible. Children from Key stage 1 took the parts of Mary, Joseph, the three Kings and the Shepherds. We learned the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of a very special  baby in a lowly stable.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

Let's Connect

Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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