In Jesus We Learn, Love and Grow together
Be the Good Soil Mark 4:1-20

World Book Day in Nursery - March 2015

Class: Nursery Year: 2014 - 2015

The children had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day.  There were some fantastic costumes and characters from books such as Sleeping Beauty, The Very hungry Caterpillar, The Tiger That Came To Tea, Harry and His Bucketful of Dinosuars and many more.

Well done to Asha who won the best costume from Nursery.  She dressed up as a caterpillar from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and made her costume at home with her mum.  Asha won a £5.00 book token.  We think she looked fantastic.

Please remember to share books and stories at home as not only is it great fun but will help your child to learn new language, new experiences and develops their imagination ready for writing.

Who we are

We look to provide a safe, secure, stimulating Christian environment in which all our children feel happy and valued as individuals, and where they can learn and play to the best of their abilities, and therefore reach their full potential.

Where we are

St Peter's Church of England Primary School
Muriel Street,
OL16 5JQ

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Mr A Whelan | Headteacher 01706 648195
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